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Wow thank you so much for helping support these videos, it means a lot. One cool way to explore the stuff here is by the tags, like Videos, Podcast, or Music. You can also filter the posts by month and year, to go back to the old ones. Here's a chronological list of the videos and songs that have been posted here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/76039395. Come hang out in the Discord server if you'd like to: https://discord.gg/v6qp8cx8W7. Also, let me know if you don't want me to put your (first) name into the credits of future videos.

Thanks again for the support. I've had so many artistic impulses my whole life and really have always struggled to find any significant audience, so it's already the most success I've ever achieved to be where I'm right now creatively. That's thanks to the fact that you and other people connect with the stuff I make, and I hope to inspire you in your own creativity. I don't try to foster intensely parasocial relationships with viewers, but I do try to foster a healthy community of creative artists who bounce ideas off each other, inspire each other, maybe work on projects together occasionally, and overall treat each other with respect as people.

I hope to continue growing the channel for a long time. I recently started a podcast that's available here, called 'verbal journal'. So who knows where that might go! I have many ideas for long term plans for videos and other creative projects, and it's just a matter of keeping this whole thing running and staying present for each new challenge. And hoping the world doesn't explode or something obviously. Until then we're just doing our best.

Added: 2024-05