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Out of town for two days, and I promised myself I wouldn't 'work'. But my impulsive, excitable mind took control once again... which resulted in the creation of a new script. It's a short file that will be posted on YouTube, but you boys will have early access. Last months short 'phone sex fantasy' session, turned out longer than anticipated, and far too steamy for the general public. So in the next short session poll, we are going to keep it a bit more vanilla... What would you like to see added as a poll option? Amnesia? A little brainwashing experiment? A sleep file? A confusion induction? Something with snake coils? A temporary transformation of some sort? Let me know!

Also, Doctors Orders 2 will be out on Wednesday for all $20+ patrons. It's a sequel, a follow up examination, this time involving a very intense.. prostate exam. You'll have to have listened to the first one, so if you haven't already, log into the VIP site for a free copy and get yourself prepared. 

Xxx Mia



For me, sex is all about connection. There is a short trigger which symbolizes exactly this connection: Becoming aroused when hearing a woman's name spoken by her own voice. For me, this feels very fulfilling. I can imagine that this would fit quite well in a short, vanilla file.

Epic Stone

Anything you do will be terrific. Brainwashing seems like a total loss of control and that seems like a great fit. The confusion or amnesia also sounds interesting. Your surprises will be welcome.

Jonathan Gardner

Wouldnt mind a shower pleasure audio. :D