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Let's heat up the VIP chat room.. I think it's time to arrange a chat. 

How does that sound? 

Spontaneous is always fun, but let's plan ahead for this one. 

Perhaps we can celebrate my birthday, finishing my big project this semester and Mia and I's plans for the future here at The HypnoMistress. 

I can't think of a better way to celebrate than spending time with our boys. 

xoxo Scarlet 

Reply in the comments with availabilities in your life and we'll try to plan a chat to include the availability windows of as many of you that respond. 

If you're one of our dear patrons at the $5 or $1 tiers, an upgrade of $5 - $9 more will open you up into the hypnotic world between the VIP wall... new sessions to instantly stream and enjoy, as well as communications with your mistresses..and others, if you'd like the community of that. 

You decide your degree of involvement. Hope you'll join  us for a chat. xxx



I will make time whenever it's convenient for You and Mia.


Well, typically I have Fridays and Saturdays off from work. Otherwise, I am normally closing where I work, getting off work at 9:30 pm edt on Sundays, and 10:30 Monday through Thursday. I do understand that that is awfully late to be waiting on me, so I don't expect anyone to do that. But I love the idea none the less. If need be, I will just log in after the fact and read through the chat history. I, as well, do encourage any patrons below $10.00 to consider upping your patronage to include access to the VIP area. For just a few dollars more, you get an awful lot of extras! Not the least of which is joining in on live chats such as this! Think about it...you could have your ideas and thoughts heard by our lovely Mistresses, and they could very well be incorporated into future sessions! How awesome is that?! Just food for thought from one very happy boy! :)


I'm typically off around 7pm PST for my work can't say days wise but anytime after 7pm PST im good

Jonathan Gardner

Usually off sundays. Sometime during the day during the week or maybe at night.

Epic Stone

My schedule is erratic. I will join if it is possible. My best chance of getting to participate if it is Mon-Fri during daylight hours (US), and I know that is likely a bad time for many others.

Michael Schroeder

Most weeks Monday - Wednesday evening 8pm or later EST works best for me. Otherwise it varies by week, but generally sometime after 9 pm EST is best.