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A masochist? I still went back to the butthurt comment and get sad over it. There's a new comment and I admit I got defensive and posted stuff. I'm pathetic but I feel you are a horrible person, you can stop where you are and stop posting but no, you are still continuing with it. It's pouring salt on my wounds, kicking me when I'm down and still kicking. I am an emotionally sensitive person in truth.

You know what...I really can't stand people like that,  the negativity in my life, it depends on person to person, I can even take worst criticism and okay with it as long as it's not that person. I bet everyone knows that feeling, that one person, no matter what he/she does, you just hate it.  Like your friends can call you a pussy or an asshole or whatever shit but not that one person. 

Sorry for expressing my emotions and anger here again. Better for me to vent out using words? I'm not sure but I think I felt better each time I post it here instead of bottling it up. I'll get over it tomorrow I promise, not gonna affect any work stuff since I just posted I'm back today. Well. not everyone is perfect, this is the side of me, the vulnerable side of me, the depressing side...the dark side.

You guys probably find it weird, the comic I draw is more towards lighthearted and stupid humors. . .and in reality I'm such a dark and broken person. Maybe darker comic suits me better. 

I know the world is already a dark place, some of you guys are probably struggling with some stuff too. . .I hope my comic can cheer you up. I can't cheer myself up with it but seeing you guys enjoying my comic makes me happy.

I thought the storm has passed but guess not, I'm inside this hurricane again. This is the third time I went to HentaiFoundry's delete account section, just almost clicked the button but stopped in the end. . . . . . . .

Again. sorry you guys have to see the ugly part of me. 


Constructive Criticism comic. It's a long ass comic so you need to zoom to read it




We support you because we love you and what you do! You don’t have to bottle anything up, I’m sure everyone’s got those situations. Is it possible to block “that person”?


I don't think it's bad to open up when you feel down, trust me it's better to write it out then to keep it bottle up. We love you for what you do and even if there is one person who don't like you, theres often more people who do


its like they say "the saddest people always try to make others happy" i guess you dont need to apologize for feeling down most people can relate and alot of people can sympathize with the one comments that just eats you up inside we here for you more then because we like your art (which is unique imo and i love it) but because we believe in supporting and watching an artist grow (at least i think so patreon isnt about just getting lewds its about finding new people and art we might not have seen and sticking with them) im rabbling but i would like to remind you at least someone is around that isnt gonna harsh on you kay? ^_^


Can someone explain me what is happening?


The world is filled with hater, it must be done as if they did not exist to be quiet unhappily. Let's be stronger than them!


Well we all get dark. Do whatever helps even if it is venting to strangers <3 (your comics do help me)


Normally people who attack others on the web is people who suffer in a way, which is they go on a offensiv mechanic as a way to numb their pain, this does not justifie their actions at all but I am reminded of a qoute from MLK Jr "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." I normally find some understanding when thinking back on that qoute. We all struggle with something in our lives and it does not seem fair just apologies for it, yet we should on the other hand not let ourselves or others suffer for that. You are not weak, ugly or unwanted, but a human like us and you feel and live too, so do what you need to do to heal and come back stronger. If you want my advise then surround yourself with things that you love, people that you love and places that you love, your community is here for you and will support you through your endavours. As a person who himself have to deal with a mind with thoughts that circles around the final hour often, I promise you that there is a light at the end of the tunnel so keep hanging on, keep fighting and do not give in. I hope that these words could bring some solace to you.


I don't know your exact circumstances, so I won't really understand you. But your words sound somehow failiar. Blowing off some steam is important and I know writing it down and throw it at someone can feel good ... Just be careful When you gaze at the darkness of the world, all what lurks within it can see you too. Don't loose yourself while staring into this abyss!


Love your work man. Hang in there ;) <3


... not sure if it was on purpose, but the spongebob reference it the attachment made me laugh


“If you look for the light, you can often find it.But if you look for the dark that is all you will ever see.” Legit one of the best quotes from Iroh in Avatar. Gives a bit of perspective about point of view and expectations of self. Try to look at the things each day that you enjoy and make that the focus of you efforts. Don't dwell to much on the negative aspects or people in your life. Everything gets better, but sometimes it takes some suffering first. I for one find my day gets better with every post you make, and for that I am thankful. If you ever feel like talking or venting feel free to reach out to me.


Thanks you guys. . .you all are my lights. Thanks for supporting such a broken up person like me


Don't give in to the trolls. They want you to give up. The only people who really matter are the ones supporting you and your art. BTW, you don't necessarily need to pay someone to write for you. It's not like each page is a novel. Just get an idea of where the story is going in advance, pass that on, and then the writer has to type out like 5 sentences. Anyone who considers themselves a decent writer can easily do that for free to support you.

Some Body (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-30 21:52:22 We can be your saving angel when needed <3
2018-03-09 03:32:37 We can be your saving angel when needed <3

We can be your saving angel when needed <3