Hey (Patreon)
Decided to open another discord. but this time I'm looking for writers, I lost the previous discord account so I can't contact you guys anymore. I remember some of you guys can write.
1) What I need: proper english grammar and dialogue flow, like what my character would say in that situation, so you need to understand and know my characters too.
2) I will give you some story scenes, and maybe you could work from there, and give me some ideas if you had any in mind, but I will be the one to make the final call on the idea or not. If you've got a really good idea I will leave most of the writings to you
3) If you know cinematography or film-making, you could help me a lot with the layout and paneling. Like how different camera angles capture different feelings. I am not a pro at it but I have learned a tiny bit of it.
4) If you can draw stickman manuscripts with all the dialogues and stuff, that would be a plus,
5) The next cover art will have your name credited on it as the writer
Let me know if you think you can help. I will pay but for now it won't be a lot. think of it as an allowance. Will pay more if you did an outstanding job and when the pledge increases.
Send me a message and I'll send you the invite.