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August Art! Elaine and Iona dancing! Another Tsuu piece.

It's nice that the chapter hit at the end of the month, letting me post these two back to back!

Week of the 26th is my admin week this week.

I've hired an assistant, and here's hoping it goes well! BTDEM is back on Scribblehub thanks to her efforts.

I'm still working on October's admin week. Likely the week of the 24th, but it might change.

I'm about to change the patreon prices, as mentioned. Details: https://www.patreon.com/posts/announcements-70548217






Love it

Thistle's Dragon

Is it wrong that after seeing this price I want her to pick the dancing class?

elijah pickett

These two are adorable together and this artist has captured that wonderfully.


I feel like the art is spoilers given that they only just started dating.

Melting Sky

The artwork is lovely, but I do kind of agree about the spoilers. For instance, I saw that last piece where they were on a picnic date before I even got a chance to read the chapter where they became an item. Given the massive foreshadowing, it was pretty clear the story has been building toward them becoming more than friends for some time now, but it was still quite the in-your-face spoiler for going into that pivotal chapter of their relationship.


Yay to assistants!