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I've just finished writing book 6!

Onto book 7! Here's the cover! 

A reminder that I take two days of break each month, and this month I'm taking the 22nd and the 24th off. Next chapter is in a week from now, the 27th.

More artwork on the 22nd and 24th! I have a nice back catalogue for you all 




I really like the art👌


Hot damn, looking heroic Elaine. Also, Booba.


I hope those wings are foreshadowing for our egg friend.


That looks incredible! I'm glad to see that Elaine will become a god of mankind! Can't wait!


Hot damn. Looks like she'll be empress with that headwear.


All hail Elaine The Phoenix Empress!


by the way, does her healing include hair, or is she going to be bald for a while?

Melting Sky

Beautiful artwork. The laurel wreath crown is interesting. There is a lot that could be symbolic of.




Excellent artwork. This is possibly my favourite. It's either this or the one depicting Elaine in her Ranger armour with the golden badge behind her like a halo. The colours of the egg, the fact that she found it in Lunkat's lair after the dragon fought a phoenix and now the wings behind Elaine in this picture all suggest to me that the egg is a phoenix egg. A few chapters ago I made a comment that she would be the Golden Eagle to complement the White Dove and the Black Crow. But Elaine being analogous to a phoenix works thematically as well. She can regenerate from almost nothing - just a head - much like how a phoenix is reborn from ashes.


Wow!! what an amazing cover. And here Elaine really looks like she's become a woman. The cover of book 6 is very pretty, but she still had a little "young warrior" air, but here on this cover, she looks like a complete woman. Powerful, beautiful and with authority. I loved this cover, looking forward to the next arts and the next chapters.

Alex Galaitsis

That’s some really top notch art.


You probably should have saved the cover release until after we saw the contents of the egg. Even if it is some what obvious. Side note, SHE RE-GREW HER HAIR!!! YAY!!!


Wow. Boobies.


Hands down my favorite artwork so far.

Terry Stevens

That looks awesome. It is EPIC.


the hairdresser can make the hair grow, just go there.


As someone already on her second life and under Papillion's purview, I wonder if she will take a curse when she uses it on herself. On the other hand, I wonder if an evolution might occur where it becomes more of a phoenix thing: she forms an egg around the person to capture their soul, they die in the egg and are reborn after it incubates.


Curse no social skills she was always supposed to be immortal the human thing was a mistake.


I reckon it should be an elf egg. maybe a fire elf ;-)


Nice cover! People in Remus are gonna shit themselves when a level 512+ Sentinel Dawn returns to resume her duty. In the company of three elves who are higher-leveled than any human in Remus. Imagine Awarthril taking offense at the oppression of women in human society and publicly spanking the new emperor until he promises reforms. Not even Night could stop her lol.


Pretty sure the wings are from her Egg friend. But I’m kind of hoping her third class changes her wings to bird wings. Lol, cant take her seriously with those butterfly wings. Like they look cute, but for a Sentinel? Butterfly wings don't make me think, Sentinel Elaine defender of Remus. Its too whimsical if that makes any sense?


that's true... but I still think Night could take a draw from their fight, or even win. It will depend on whether it's at night and what level he has reached in third class. The night must have a dark green class at least in the first two classes, he must have spent centuries fighting monsters much more level than him to reach level 256. His 2 classes are strong, stronger than the elves. Imagine if each of Night's first 2 classes gives him 500 stats per level (a dark green class similar in level to Elaine's). And the first 2 classes of Awarthil being yellow give about 250 each. Of course Awarthil's third class is at a pretty high level, and there are about 100 levels separating the 2, but Night has his oath, and as we saw with Elaine, oath skills become frighteningly strong when leveled. And Night's third class must be very powerful, the guy spent 5000 years training, fighting and killing powerful monsters, spent centuries as Sentinel training ranges and other Sentinels. If Elaine who was level 256 was offered a blue class because of the war against the Formarians, what did Night get??


But he can't stop her if she spanks him in broad daylight? Also, he might have stronger classes and more experience and vampires have phenomenal strength, but elves are even better. And she has way better gear and a big bad wolf. And two elven buddies.

Melting Sky

Both of you make good points. I think at night we would see the top Sentinel mop up against one or even two of the elves, but there is great strength in numbers and I just don't see him beating the entire team, especially if the animal companions are included. As Shoto pointed out, due to Night's extremely slow leveling, vast combat experience, the crazy feats he has accomplished, his raw vampiric power, and his Oath, he must be incredibly powerful for his level. If I remember correctly he is the one physical classer we've seen break the sound barrier other than the crazy legendary Guardians and the Dragon.


Nobody. But its just that when I think of the amazing healer who can heal entire towns on a whim. I don't look to the sky and envision a giant butterfly lol. Of course, results are more important than looks. But she just doesn’t command the same presence imo with butterfly wings.


But Elaine has always had a connection with insects. Blame Artemis for that. And butterfly suits her, it's small, cute, but be careful, it can kill you in the blink of an eye. But I think it's funny, is that she looks like the winx fairies.


Yes, but as I said, it depends on what level the third class of Night reached. And with the way Night is, I have no doubt that he must have spent a lot of time leveling up his third class, and even heading out of the low experience zone to train for a bit. If Night's third class is at level 150, it becomes a big danger here. And it's very cruel, waiting for Night to defeat the 3 elves and their 2 animal companions alone, puts the blue beard and Destruction in the calculations. Destruction should be stronger than Easy Serontes, there shouldn't be that much difference in level between them and Destruction has better classes, and Huting should have a good fight with Awarthil, and not to mention, they are Sentinels, "Sentinel Superiority " is a powerful skill.


I, for one, welcome our new immortal healer empress and would like to remind them that as a prominent internet commenter, I would be helpful in rounding up others to toil in the mango groves.


Night told Elaine how the vampires were still sitting at level 15 while the first humans were already hitting 340 or something. We are talking sloooow leveling speed here. And even if Night was clever and took two or three experience multipliers, I'd be very surprised if he leveled his third class past 20 in the time Elaine was gone. And while his classes should have great colors, he did pick them at 256, which for him must have been at least 3000 years ago. Level 512 gives no upgrade, only the 3rd class unlock like level 64. So the only class to get the class quality reflecting his 5000 years of life is his 3rd class. And even if it's a purple, it won't be high enough to really matter. So I'm guessing that Night has two dark green/blue classes at around 500 and one blue/purple at around 20. His restriction skill would give him a significant power-up, but I wouldn't be surprised if Awarthril could match him in speed. Oh and Serondes is the highest-leveled of the elves at around 700 and he doesn't have a channel build. Destruction can't use his Storm class without at least a week of preparation, so that leaves his Earth/Mountain class. Against Serondes's Lava/Sand/Sound combo. Serondes would also have way higher power and control. Destruction would get wrecked. And Aegion+Cordamo could wipe out half the sentinels by themselves. Not much you can do against supersonic arrows that hit you from a mile away and through obstacles.


I, for one, welcome our new immortal healer overlord, and would like to point out prolific commenters might make excellent sense as the first candidates to be retrained for mango harvesting...less backtalk, and more mangos! win-win?? >;p

Alexey Gladkich

Do you realise the difference in stats the colors imply? Serondes has two yellow and light green and his level is ~560. While the other two Elves have lesser quality but higher levels. That's like (200+200+400)*300=240k stats for levels [256-560] in total. While first 256 levels contribute roughly 10k stats per class. For a total of 270k stats not including skill boosts. Don't forget possible class level disbalance - so it would be lower. Agion has lvl 740~. But lower quality classes. Assume it is orange-yellow-yellow. So for levels [256-740] he'll gain 100+200+200=500 stats per class level which in total means 500*500=250k. Not significantly different. Assume Night has two blue classes and stands at lvl 520. That's (1600+1600)*250=800k for levels [256-520). Now add to it the insane bonus he gets from his restrictive skill. So you should think again who is stronger Night or 3 Elves together.