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I've gotten a lot of requests to make a Discord server for the community, which I understand can be integrated into Patreon. I thought it might be a good idea to gauge interest before I went and made one. While I certainly want to foster a community around the stories, if I made a Discord, it would be with the understanding that my schedule may not allow me much time to interact with the users myself. As it stands, I make an effort to respond to all of the emails that you guys send me, but that might not be possible with an instant messenger.
On the other hand, it would provide a better alternative to the Community tab and being able to send you guys notifications when new updates are out would be cool.

So let me know what you guys think below. 



I think it would be fun


Eyup! Discord is always the best choice. Besides, I follow lots of other creators on Discord, and NONE of them are there all the time. So if you can't be there all the time, that's OK; no one can write a cool story and write on Discord at the same time (except, maybe, Isaac Asimov, had he lived in this era....)


I am indifferent on it. As long as it doesn't cause stress on your end, then go for it.


I'd lurk but probably not participate much


ill lurk a bit but i do add the odd comment or two and doodle post


Don't do it. I like this community for its obscurity.


With Patreon integration the Discord would be locked to the $1 reward tier, and as such it would only be accessible by the existing community. Is that acceptable?


Should one of us make it, set up an admin or two and then turn over server ownership to Snekguy to save him time and hassle? It would be nice to talk with some of you and trade efforts on our contribution materials.


I want to give it a little longer to make sure that everyone has an opportunity to vote, and unless there's a massive shift in the results I'll be making one. Please keep in mind that with the editing and the holidays I'm a little short on time right now.


Thankfully there are people like me that love to edit other fan fic stories! Take your time. Quick or taking time, it’s something to look forward to.