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Here's a short story and a profile for the Urgath race, a fan creation by  Sharktogonapus. I was impressed by the thought and effort that he put into his original species and so I thought I'd share it with you guys. 

Species profile: https://pastebin.com/ktT260d0

Short story: https://pastebin.com/EAEQRHYc



Is Sharky's work going to be updated?


He's still sending me emails so it appears so, I'll release updates as he sends me new content.


I am curious if you plan on integrating them into future Pinwheel stories? I was nervous of mentioning any ideas of new races in Pinwheel since it might feel it's too early to do so after the Birds of Prey story, not to mention the Brokers and Krell still have plenty of room for expansion story wise.


I have permission to use them, but I don't have any plans to do so currently.


Hi im Shark this is my first time doing fanworks like this any questions about me or my writing please ask.


You know its interesting about the race you have. One of the ideas I had was introducing a race that were entirely mechanical. The idea I originally had was having a race that was created by another. They were actually survivors as the original creators were wiped out by the bugs. Some of their machines did survive and live on. The machines are friendly and the race the made them even fell in love with them. The Machines and their creators had romantic relationships and were fully capable of sexual intercourse. They were not essentially sex bots but you get the idea. The machines looked like their creators and they could have been anything from bipedal foxes, snakelike, whatever you wanted. Its food for thought if you ever wanted. I was plan on writing about them in the far far future but with this race its something you can grab and use as you wish. Its never too late if you want to make changes. :)


Well in actually writing about an extinct race wiped out by their own creations its gonna be in my next chapter of my fanfic. However if snek decides its not fitting for his universe I'm going to ask him to paste it under a separate heading I want to give him every possibility to use the Urgath in his works if he chooses too if you read the bit about Urgath technology the robots the AI and drones are paid salaries and allowed to purchase upgrades for themselves maybe an Urgath mining drone wants fox ears because they please its optics. You can write a fanfic about my fanfic if you wish


I've updated these Pastebins with all of the new content Shark sent me.


Sorry I haven't been writing much lately i have family issues snek knows about but I would like to post this question for anyone who enjoys what I'm writing. If you could pick a song, any song to be the first words spoken by a human to be heard by an alien race? The song must be in English I have my own idea but if someone can change my mind I'll feature their suggestion in my next post.


Chapter 6 of my fanfic is nearly complete then the exciting conclusion of Cruxi. Then I've got two more story ideas after that I dunno. Despite all evidence to contrary I'm not a writer, making up stuff is really hard for me. But I am enjoying doing it anyways if anybody has any questions please post them i check for comments twice a day.


I am really proud of you for writing all of this. Don't feel afraid to write. Under the Influence was the first story I ever finished and I had the courage to even write sex scenes in it. Don't feel afraid to admit mistakes like myself coming back to make some changes. It makes a good story even better. Three months ago if you told me I would be writing erotic fanfiction on a person's patreon "I would be saying what the?" Now 37000 words in the Warrior of Silence the second story I wrote I can look back with some pride. I am so hoping that all of our work will pay off. Can you imagine an HBO series and we are all the writers with Snekguy the head writer. A man can dream now a man can dream. The more we add to these stories the bigger this becomes.


Alright, finally found the time to upload Chapter 6.


These are now updated with all the new material that Shark sent me.


The Urgath were originally going to be two races I had though of; one was a giant omnivorous dinosaur like species roughly the size of an allosaurus that lived alongside a smaller rodent like species. The two were from the same planet. Maybe I'll do a creature feature on them. I actually had created them for the star wars universe before I found Snek's work.


I'm taking a short break from writing if it is not apparent. my mother is in the hospital because she's got cancer tumors removed from her lungs. I am still working on my stories and have plans to finish them I just feel bad for not saying anything beforehand. So for those who enjoy my work (all three of you), my stories will continue. Just give me a bit to get it together. (Well not as much together as more coherent and whole than I have been recently those who know me and are considered close friends of mine would normally say I have a few screws lose but show me a person that has it all together and is completely normal I'll show you an actor and master of denial)