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An advisor to the Coalition Security Council travels to an uncharted territory of Borealis in order to evaluate its inhabitants for admission into the alliance, but what he finds there goes far beyond the scope of his assignment.



Oh my word, it's time! Also first.


Second is the best!(; excited for this!!


Replying to myself to not clutter this up, but does the mention of Borealans as the most recent members mean that neither the Jarilo bugs or the Valbarans have actually signed up yet?


Is UNN command purposefully sending 'ambassadors' to Borealis as a kind of speed dating service? If so where is the sign up sheet?


What’s the line like for joining the Polar’s colony in Siberia? No high gravity, no challenge fights, just wait for bedtime and pick the Polar Pleasure Pile that takes my fancy.


I wasn't very happy with the first draft, it felt too front-loaded with exposition, so I changed it up and made it a bit more character driven. Hopefully it reads better now. There's new content too but I'd advise reading from the top.


I have to admit the first draft exposition that gave readers entire back story of Borealan species within a few paragraphs was pretty bad. I heard it's adviced to not overwhelm readers with back story/prelude at the beginning of a story. It did feel out of place for me owing to the fact I already knew Borealans from different stories in Pinwheel universe. I know their philosophy, anatomy and way of being, thus it's just odd to read about it again in very summarised description at the beginning of this story. Tho, I'm not sure how to do it in a way that people, who has never read Pinwheel's stories, could figure out what's going on. The best idea I have is doing that through characters' eyes.


Question, if almost everyone in the UNN uses an XMR is it still experimental or has the UNN given up on naming it?


Yup, if following previous NATO naming conventions, the X would have been dropped when the weapon system was accepted into service and became standard issue.

Ezekiel Paul

I feel like someone in R&D has an actual name for it at this point, but everyone refuses to use it because XMR has just stuck.


2000 word update


Maybe? I'm not sure what length of time that would require, or how the name might change.


""Jarry juice". Jarilo. Replete honey! This part cracked me up.


XMR : X-Species Modular Rifle as it can be configured for Humans, Borealans, Krell and now Valbarans.


2000 word update.


Is this the same Yuta from Fineprint? She was described as raven haired and this one is orange haired. I know you like bringing back characters from previous stories that's the only reason I ask


Something doesn't feel right about this meeting.


For some reason the first thing I thought of when you said that is Obiwan saying "I've got a bad feeling about this." Quick someone tell Jules to get his diplomatic organ out!


2000 word update, along with a couple of tweaks. I decided to give Jules a pair of ill-fitting boots instead of dress shoes, it didn't seem too realistic for them to let him go into the jungle wearing loafers.


2000 word update.


2000 word update


2000 word update


3000 word update


2000 word update


2000 word update


The last paragraph made me chuckle and I couldn't help but think his opinion may change when a one of these females gets ahold of him. Assuming they are somewhere between a polar and equatorial in personality it should be interesting to see


2000 word update. I may release a slightly smaller update than usual tomorrow depending on how much time I have. I really want to make and upload the new versions of the Birds of Prey Ebooks with a few fixes and corrections, I keep putting it off. I also have more fanworks stuff that people sent me that I'd like to edit and upload.


How does one go about sending you fanworks Snek? Is there a PM/DM feature somewhere, since I can't use the Community tab without supporting (Once I get an income you'll get your money, don't worry :) )

The Glimmering Warlock

Are you planning for this story to be a 35 page behemoth like Birds of Prey or is this one gonna be more bite sized?


I'm planning for this to be maybe 50 or 60k words, but I always overshoot my target word counts so don't quote me on that.


2000 word update, took me until 6am but I got it done. We also have both versions of the 'Birds of Prey' Ebook updated with new corrections, a new version of the 'Iron Wolves' Ebook updated with the cover, and a new Fanwork post up top.


2000 word update


2000 word update


2000 word update


I wonder what's Zuki past considering she seems to be so shy and submissive.


2000 word update


Snek! You're still alive! I was worried Hurricane Florence would get you. (I assume you're american; given your posting times and the fact that you take donations in freedom units. Please correct me if I'm wrong)


2000 word update


2000 word update. Sorry this one is kind of late today, it took me longer than expected to come up with a suitably distinct social structure for the Araxie. Let me know what you think of them.


2000 word update


Well I guess this means Yuta does not have the skills to "diplomat" like a human. Looks like human diplomatic organs are what's required here


Just sleeping in a hammock is dangerous, so attempting sex with a Borealan in one is madness!


No, this is Sparta! You gotta at least give it the old college try


S minus 1 hour and counting.... till next 2,000 words


2000 word update


I should note that I don't have a set time when I release the updates, sometimes I write more than 2000 words or it might just take me longer, but I do try to aim for around this time.


So who wants to bet if there are any Araxie watching this show? Let's up that to who thinks that Zuki catches a bit of the show and now it has put ideas into her head and Jules head about certain cross species bonding exercises they should investigate


2000 word update, also added tags for sexual content at the start of the story.


2000 word update


2000 word update


2000 word update, I also added a few small edits to Zuki's scenes where she's touring the village, just to make her a bit more diplomat-y, and I may expand upon that a little further later. I realized that she hadn't done an awful lot to earn the praise that Jules was giving her, so this should fix that.


2000 word update


I just realized something: if a rat in the UNN is arming the Rask, and Jules and Co. marked the position of the village, then the rat could direct the rask to attack the village directly.


2000 word update


So what if Zuki is only clumsy because of the high gravity and when she gets to our normal gravity she becomes a ballet dancer?


2000 word update


2000 word update

Ezekiel Paul

It's been a while since we had a good old-fashioned Snekguy Spaceflight Physics explanation. It's almost nostalgic.


Snekguy, well, we're waiting for our daily dose of 2,000 words


I ended up going on an editing spree today so there's 13,000 words of newly polished Orc on Paladin action. More Black Velvet coming tomorrow!


Excited to see upcoming warband artwork soon. Crosses fingers hoping to see artwork/cover art of the Araxie. :)


2000 word update


2000 word update


Hi snekguy. Is it possible for me to commission a story based in the outpost universe involving Riya? Thank you.


It will be a fanfic


Hi Anil. Do you mean commission someone else to write a fanfic based on Outpost? That would be fine as long as they credit me (eg: based on Pinwheel by Snekguy) and while they would be free to post the story wherever they liked I would prefer that they didn't sell it. It would be cool if I could post it here so that more people could read it too, but not a requirement. Thank you for asking permission! I actually have an Outpost 3 on the way which will feature Riya, but it will probably be some months yet before I have time to write it.


2000 word update


Zuki behaves like a child overwhelmed by the amount toys on shelves in a shop :P


2500 word update


2000 word update. Also if you guys have any suggestions for fun things that Jules and Zuki might do on the station, I'd love to hear them. Between Hot Kofe and Housecat I've already exhausted the 'alien doesn't understand human stuff' trope and all of the recreational activities and dates that I can think of. I really want to avoid retreading the same ground here.


I'm still game for the whole Zuki tripping and blowing up the station thing. You could always go the route of the kitten sticking her nose where it doesn't belong and Jules saving her while she acts all cute and innocent


I only got a couple ideas that might help you out. I was going to put in one of the stories I was writing but there was no room for it with the characters I was making. One Idea was the power being knocked out causing everything to go dark. You would have the characters tripping over each other. Zuki might not have to worry about the darkness but everyone else would be smacking into things and tripping over each other. Another idea which would come out of the Star Wars stories is the Jar Jar concept. Love or hate the character, story writers had fun with the character, by having clone troopers (very people protecting him) using Jar Jar as a weapon by letting him get captured just to have him tripping on the enemy vehicles and having the enemy destroy each others vehicles.


2000 word update, thanks for your suggestions guys.


I got a good question and I don't know if others might have asked this or not. Between the original Pinwheel story and Black Velvet, how much time has gone by in the story/universe? For example like how many months, years have transpired. It doesn't have to be a specific answer but in my attempts with my story i am trying to make this just after Queen of Jarilo but before Birds of Prey/Black Velvet. In the story itself I have about 2 to 4 weeks pass by and I am concerned that it might overlap your stories (the upcoming murder mystery story) but I can change things if need be. I have been doing what I can to not override or commandeer the universe you have made. :)


2000 word update


Yay! First Cozy Zuki now soon to be Drunk Zuki! Side note my curiosity over the bandages and her injuries is killing me


2000 word update


Snekguy, you are amazing. Love your stuff, just became a patron but I've been reading your works since Uninvited. I didn't even know I liked this sort of thing until I found your stuff. I'm damn near broke but I just feel like I have to support you and prodigious writing skills. Keep up the great work, and I can't wait to see where you go with this new story. Honestly, I almost prefer your stories just for the world building, but I definitely enjoy the eroticism as well. Can't wait to see what you come up with next!


2000 word update


Hey, thank you for reading, and for your support! There's a lot more lore coming up, get ready for murder mysteries, desert tank battles and the difficulties of raising a litter of kittens over the coming months. Hopefully I'll soon have enough funds to set up the Wiki and begin commissioning art for things like the weapons and spaceships too.

The Glimmering Warlock

Maybe I'm misinterpreting what I've read before but Noza seems a lot more chill and friendly to his pack than I figured. Is that deliberate or is that how Borealans would normally interact with each other?


Snek, how did Hostage do compared to other stories you were doing at the time?


2000 word update


I think you're the first person who has brought that one up in a long time. It was one of my least popular stories, I don't think it really found an audience.

Ezekiel Paul

I'm deeply bemused by how we've gone from xenophilia on the Pinwheel being taboo to "oh hey that human and that cat are walking together they clearly fuckin."


2000 word update


I just love this new story.


2500 word update


3000 word update


I think 2 tablespoons of milk might not be enough. Unless that is a completely different measurement than in what it is here. Gotta say tho that I honestly can't decide if this or Birds of Prey is my favorite of your stories. I love the Flock but Zuki is so Zuki and unbelievable cute


2000 word update


2000 word update


Jules could introduce the Araxie to fried stuffed baked potatoes with all the fixin's.. The man who would be Patriarch.


Has any Borealan been introduced to lazer pointers, catnip, big cardboard boxes, keyboards that someone is trying to use, small fluffy toys on a string or anything else that seems to attract cats like flies to honey?


Ziku is a precious little cinnamon roll I want to be her friend/lover. She's possibly the sweetest equatorial Borealan in existence.


2000 word update


I understand his reluctance to offend Zuki but for a diplomat he's really dense and seems to go about things in the hardest way possible. If he is worried about offending her he should say something like "hey since we spent all day learning about the UNN why dont you tell me somethings about the Araxie like pack dynamics, interpersonal interactions or something like that so that our personnel know the proper way to interact with your people when they join" Boom now he doesn't need to tiptoe around this then he can massage her into a puddle of happy relaxed Zuki again and everyone goes to sleep happy


2000 word update


Having a tough time with this update?


2000 word update. Sorry it's a bit late today, I had to do some important IRL stuff. Expect it to be late on Thursday too.


Nah, I was just very busy today. Had to stay up to an unusual time.


I love how you breathe more and more life into the pinwheel universe with every new story. Seriously cant stop reading your stuff once I start!

The Glimmering Warlock

Homeboy get's all the way to a shower massage on a girl and he is out here saying he "hadn't crossed any romantic boundaries." FOH


It's strictly platonic hot steamy shower massage between friends.


I am nearing completion of my story as well. I am at 42000 words. By the time Black Velvet is finished mine will be completed. Mine is called Under the Influence and it will also be on the Pinwheel just a little bit before Black Velvet safely assuming that Black Velvet is after the events of Return to Krell.


2000 word update. Also there are a couple of Fanworks pending, if you're waiting for your work to be updated or uploaded I apologize for the delay, this is a really hectic week for me. I'll probably be able to get to them over the weekend.


So I just learned something that I'm not surprised is true but I'm surprised in the way that I learned it. I'm watching a Netflix documentary on space and in it they are talking about types of stars and one of the example stars they named was a star we have heard a lot about Betelgeuse. I honestly didn't know it was a real star system till just now but given the amount of thought and research put into these stories I'm not surprised


Quote "The scale runs from O to M and, to cite some examples from the blue of Zita Puppis to the red of Betelgeuse or 'Beetlejuice'."


2000 word update


Well if they don't turn out to fight well as part of the coalition they could get good jobs in the entertainment industry


2000 word update

The Glimmering Warlock

This post has now passed the "are they fucking" test. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vftIGU8-uqs" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vftIGU8-uqs</a>




2000 word update


At last the Araxie have discovered one of the humans greatest weapons, their smooth tongues. Just wait till she finds out what else humanity has in store for our poor unsuspecting Araxie


Just a heads up guys, I'm not sure if I'll have the time to get much writing done today, if any. I'm currently writing some very lengthy commission outlines for my artist, and it looks like we should be getting both some Zuki concept art and a Birds of Prey book cover pretty soon if all goes to plan. I'll start work on today's update when I'm done and I'll see if I can bang it out before I have to sleep. Also here's a screengrab of a section of one email just so that you can see why it can be so time consuming: <a href="https://i.imgur.com/oO3WkN6.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/oO3WkN6.png</a>


That is ok. The artwork for Warband is pretty. I am happy to see our contributions go forward into making your stories even better.


Just caught up on this story today (stopped reading it daily a few weeks ago due to being busy and never picked it up again till now), and I love it. Zuki is adorable and sexy, Love the Kofe cameo there, and some nice worldbuilding and stuff in there too.


2000 word update, better late than never!


I managed to get an update out after all. Glad you like the artwork, and there should be more coming soon.


2000 word update, are you ready to learn the SHOCKING TRUTH!? YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT! CLICKBAIT!


Snek, you should know by now we don't need clickbait to fanatically read your updates Edit: how tight were those bandages wrapped that she could hide that and still be able to breath?


2000 word update. We also have WIPs of the Birds of Prey cover that I should be able to show soon, almost completed art of Zuki with and without her bandages, as well as the titling for the Warband cover. Look forward to all that stuff in the coming days.


Now that is seeing our wonderful contributions be put to good use. Two thumbs way way up. Extremely close to finishing up my story. I am in the process of doing alot of proof reading and fixing. It turned out much longer than ever expected at 64000 words. I didn't think I could do it. :)


2000 word update


The thing about Borealans liking the taste of cum... Wow, it makes a lot of sense. But do any use it as a condiment O.O


2000 word update

The Glimmering Warlock

Man you sure are lucky that alien fuckin' is the primary diplomatic option in your universe and gives me the ability to suspend my disbelief because the conflict of interest going on here are super real when you stop to think about it for a second.


2000 word update

Ezekiel Paul

There is something simultaneously very hot and very heartwarming about "I like that you smell like me"


If an Urgath opened a massage parlor on Borealas he/she would make freaking bank that kinda gives me a new idea for my fanfic. Thanks. And yes it's cause they have four arms.


Yeah I've had some plans to do a massage parlor story as a sort of sequel to Friendly Competition for a while, as a way to get all three Borealan variants into one plot.


Just to let you know my story Under the Influence is finished and I sent it to you Snek, while I work on The Warrior of Silence (Originally was called Dragon's Eye) also based on the Pinwheel universe and based at the same time period Under the Influence is occurring. I know you are busy with everything just a heads up. :)


2000 word update, my editing may be a bit spotty today because I am ungodly tired, but I'll give it another pass tomorrow.


2000 word update


You know with Zuki's breast size the way it is and Kofe's bust size too, if Borealans can eventually get pregnant (Eventually by humans soon hopefully) they are going to have enough milk to feed an army. It will bring a another new level to Jarry Juice.


2000 word update


2000 word update


2000 word update


I'm happy for an update but at the same time I really wanted the 300th post Edit: so instead of Business Barbie, Jules gets to play with Business Zuki


"Boss! Boss! The expense claim from our ambassador to the Araxi just came in, it's astronomical!!" "Has he gone AWOL and handed over an entire subspecies to the Soviets?" "No..." "Then pay the man his money, he's better than the last guy we sent"


2000 word update, also what do you guys want from the next sex scene? I had a couple of ideas. 69 perhaps? Shower sex? Let me know.


It might be possible to do both. Zuki's breast size might make it hard to do it but she would have the strength to hold him upside down in the shower. If he could not reach her orally then his clawless fingers just might. Argh I had a missed opportunity in Under the Influence for that one. :)


Anal? I don't think we've seen a lot of that. Although I'm happy with you working your way through the Kitty Sutra if that's what you want to do.


Me personally I think it's hot when a woman wraps her legs around a guy though with Zuki 's legs it'd be a challenge not to break his pelvis


2000 word update, thanks for your suggestions!


2000 word update


2000 word update


2000 word update


2500 word update. Also just a heads up, I'll be taking a rare day off some time this week to play the new Fortuna expansion for Warframe. Probably not on the day it drops since my internet connection sucks but one day in the week.


2000 word update


Can I please suggest that when you make a change that is mid-story you tell us where it is. Otherwise too hard to find it - well for me anyway.


Is this the day off goofing around day?


2500 word update


Huh, It seems Broker migh have just come back from "cleaning up" mission from homeland of Krells...


2000 word update. Looks like I'll be taking my day off tomorrow so updates will resume on Saturday.


2000 word update. I killed some mucking taxmen yesterday and skegged it up large in the Orb Vallis, so we're resuming the usual schedule.


Oh boy, I wonder what the Rask will do next! Surely it wouldn't be war If only there was a highly mobile ground force able to handle it! ;)


Tanks without tracks? Heresy!


2000 word update


2000 word update


2000 word update, FINISHED! Now I can spend the next week editing this 147,000 word monstrosity. God help me. I realize that I didn't resolve the 'did Bozka lie about the empty hut' subplot, I waited too long trying to find a suitable place to put it. I'll add that in during editing.


If/when human/alien couples get the technology to have kids I'm personally of the opinion that Zuki and Jules' kids will be absolutely adorable. Just imagine a bunch of clumsy black furred Borealan kittens with big green eyes. My heart's melting.


Same HERE. I can picture some characters getting pregnant and I think the kids/kittens would be so adorable. Man so much of my future writing, I have characters depend on the technology being introduced for the future of the story to continue. When you have a universe that has humans/other races cohabiting together I was starting to even wonder if the technology was coming in. Hope you bring this mechanic into the future soon Snekguy. (begs quietly in the corner).


The first 25,000 words are chaptered and edited, from Chapter 1 to “None taken,” Jules replied. I made some small changes to the timescale of the Rask raids, just to give the Araxie more time to learn English and to make joining the Coalition less of a knee-jerk reaction. It's not an important narrative change, it just means that the Rask attacks have been happening for a little while. I also chose not to change Yuta's coloration, because I think it contrasts better with the Araxie. I will instead be retconning that when I go back and edit Fineprint pretty soon.


Another 25,000 words are edited, from "The pack of Araxie stood in an orderly row" to Chapter 9.


Another 25,000 words are edited, Chapters 8 to 11. Chapter 8 is formerly Chapter 9 because I am retarded and numbered them incorrectly. We're past the half way point, I estimate it will take three more days.


Bit of an off day today, I had to sleep through a migraine which cost me a lot of time, and then I got roadblocked trying to edit the cake baking scene to make it flow better. I didn't get enough done and what I did get done wasn't good enough for the final edit so I'm just going to start over from Chapter 11 tomorrow.


Ok back on the horse. Another 25,000 words are edited, Chapter 11 to 'leaving her sweatpants where they lay.'


20,000 words today, from "leaving her sweatpants where they lay" to “You see what I'm wearing right now?”. A couple of chapter names are still pending and they may need to be revisited just to make sure they're not overly long. There are approximately 28,000 words left so we're on the home stretch.


Another 23,000 words edited, from “You see what I'm wearing right now?” to Chapter 18. I'm going to revisit the chapters when I'm done and make sure their length is appropriate and fill in the names. I will be finished by tomorrow, and I should have time to get the Ebook done too.


Finally finished, Ebooks are ready.