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Hello everyone! As the blog enters its 6th year of existence, and as I'm investing more time in McMansion Hell, I've changed the tier benefits to include more of what everyone is interested in. Most benefits have stayed the same with the exception of two tiers:

$3/month tiers and up now get access to an entire bonus post every month. That's 2 full McMansion Hell posts per month! 

$10/month tiers get access to a smaller and more intimate Crowdcast livestream experience where they will be invited to join voice chat as well as submit houses. 

Crowdcast, as some of you may know, hasn't been functioning well in the last few months. They've just released a beta version of the new software and it works much better now. In addition, I've just purchased a new computer with more processing capacity which will allow livestreams to run more smoothly via OBS. Thank you for your patience -- Livestreams will resume their normal schedule starting this month. 

If you have any questions about the benefit changes, feel free to email patreon@mcmansionhell.com. 



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