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My latest piece for Curbed about the sneaky irony of formal entertainment spaces. 


Our homes don't need formal spaces

For a recent study, UCLA-affiliated researchers in fields ranging from anthropology to sociology used cameras to record in great detail how 32 dual-income families living in the Los Angeles area used their homes.



Late to the party, but I'm in the UK and this article basically sums up one of my main frustrations when watching Escape to the Country, a terrible show to which I am completely addicted. It's largely empty nesters moving to rural locations miles away from all their friends, and yet! They must have a kitchen the size of my entire flat, AND three reception rooms, AND five bedrooms. For TWO PEOPLE.


Also they're often obsessed with open plan everything, in spaces where it absolutely makes no sense.


I've started to think about your writing as the Anti-Fixer-Upper (in the Magnolia sense). I just bought my first home with my husband, and it's a perfect 1000sf craftsman bungalow (built in 1919! cool!) but it's hard to keep that nagging "you need MORE SPACE, you need to RENOVATE" voice away. Like... we barely ever even go in the second bedroom, why would we need all these other rooms. It's plenty of space for two people! Your articles are a great reality check and are so well written & fun to read! Incidentally our house does have a "formal" dining room, but it's also... the only room with a table in it (no eat-in kitchen) so it is more of an extension off the kitchen than its own separate room, though it does have the lovely architectural details of the era (box ceilings, wainscoting, window seat).