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50 States of McMansion Hell: Tulsa County, Oklahoma

OOOOOOKLAHOMA WHERE THE UGH COMES SWEEPIN' DOWN THE PLAIN! McMansion Hell is back from the Finals From Hell and do I have a treat for y'all: Hoo boy, this house is wilder than a collegiate football...



While I thoroughly enjoy the analysis of the architecture of the McMansions, both interior and exterior, I don't find comments about the taste of the owners in terms of furnishings particularly entertaining. If an interior has obviously been staged, then it seems perfectly appropriate to criticize the taste of the stagers, but criticizing the taste of the owners seems a bit too personal -- there are many reasons why occupants may choose particular pieces of furniture or display artifacts other than trying to create an aesthetically pleasing space, and without knowing those reasons, it strikes me as a bit unfair to the occupants to criticize their choices.


Sofa Interpretations of Prince would be a great name for a dark vaporwave band.