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Looking Around: (Introduction) Where Most of Us Live

Architecture as a field has always been captivated by the houses of the elite - those who can hire architects, build large and high quality homes, and set trends for the next generations. While it is...



I rented an Eichler last year-- it was a lovely lovely house (even if it had been poorly remodeled by the owner) and I liked it a lot, aside from the heating system, which dated back to when fossil fuels were super cheap, and, um... Well, mostly I disliked the poor remodeling choices. Overall it was pretty great, except when it got cold outside. And it is, as you say in your introduction here, well beyond my means. That's why I don't live there any more. An Eichler up the street from where I used to live sold for 1.6 million. Another went for 1.8 (but it was exquisitely maintained and one of the most beautiful houses I've ever seen). Even in the most expensive housing market in the country, Eichlers are a step beyond-- even though they began as relatively inexpensive housing you could pick out from a catalog...