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Hi everyone, I want to let you know that billing will be paused this July through August.

I realized I put myself into a bit of a pickle here by posting pages too early--honestly, I was just too excited to share them. In order to give you all the best reading experience possible, I'm putting a pause on these page updates until the comic re-launches to the public.

I'm doing this to avoid a situation where you all read the first chapter, then have no updates for several weeks. That wouldn't be fair to you. It also wouldn't be fair to then have the entire 51-page chapter on here for only a dollar when the comic re-launches.

So, I'm pulling back a little. I'm taking the time to reorganize my plan for the relaunch that will be sustainable and fair to all of you, myself, and new readers. I'm sorry for rushing into this before having a plan that made sense, but I hope you understand my reasoning. And, I hope you enjoyed getting a sneak peek at the new and improved KAI.

So, enjoy these next two months free. There will be no update today (I added an extra page last week to try to make up for that). Updates will resume in late August when the comic goes public. If you want to see progress on the new cover, chapter two, and all the other things I'm up to, make sure to keep tabs on the Discord server!

Thank you all for your support and kindness throughout this journey of rebooting the series. I hope you have a great summer!


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