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Hi all!

I've been thinking a lot about the future of the Patreon and how I want to use this community. These are all very important updates, so I hope you read until the end. Thank you!

Firstly, sorry for the inconsistent posts these last few weeks! I decided to stick with 2-page a week updates for the time being. Eventually (maybe in a month or so), updates will get longer so that you all can finish the chapter before it comes out on Webtoons and Tapas. But for now, my colorist is taking some time off until mid-June, so we'll both need more time to get the chapter finished.

Also, I decided I'm going to update at 11AM ET from now on. 9am is a little too early I think, especially for folks in other time zones. 

Now, onto the major stuff...

Tiers are shifting

Firstly, it's always been my goal to give back to you all as much as possible. I feel like my $10 patrons aren't getting the value they're paying for, so I'm going to fix that.

The higher tiers are shifting down essentially. From here on out, $5 patrons will be sent all new prints and stickers as they're created. My goal is to do 3-4 prints a year, and lots of fun stickers! If you're currently a Lagoon patron, please change your pledge to $5. It will be the same rewards that you've already been receiving!

I'm going to delete the $20 tier, and give the $10 tier the cameo reward, with limited capacity. The full rundown of all tier changes will be posted shortly before the public relaunch of the comic.

✨ But, when the heck is KAI coming back?! ✨

Alright, enough playing around, now for the juicy part of the update. Here's the tentative schedule I have planned for the re-release of the comic:

JUNE: Ch1 inks are scheduled to be finished in June. As I mentioned, my colorist is taking some time off, so it will probably take another month for the chapter to be finished entirely.

JULY: I'll mostly be working on the new cover, thumbnail, and Patreon banner, as well as any other hype media for the re-release. I'll also do a mini patrons-only Q&A, that will be posted in the lead-up to the release date. In my spare time, I'll start thumbing and penciling Ch2.

AUGUST: If everything aligns, KAI will return to Tapas and Webtoons by the end of August, or September at the latest. I have a busy summer ahead, so it will depend.

As I mentioned, you all will have finished Ch1 by the time the reboot makes its public debut. Because of this, there might be a bit of a lull with no updates while I get Ch2 pages ready for viewing. I hope that's okay.

That's all for now, I really hope you made it through to the end. And I hope you're pumped for the re-release!! I've got a whole hype calendar planned--playlists, a fanart showcase, the Q&A, and maybe even a trailer if I can find the time to brush off my video editing skills. 👀 

As always, thank you all so much for your generous support and encouragement. 💛


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