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Title: Protective Dad Time

A few days pass as Nik and others settle into their temporary roles. The world was fucked, and information from Roanapura revealed how others were slowly leaving their dream city due to a lack of work. In comparison, Revy got a job. But she isn’t pumped about being a Teacher. On the other hand, Balalaika made Tsugio buy the club’s empty plot in Washimine Group’s name. It created tension between the Washimine and the Kosa Council. Others kept quiet even when the Russians began their construction.

Everyone in the top brass of their world is more patient than their thugs. Kosa Council’s, and by extension, the Kanto Peace Council’s, primary concerns stem from the High Table’s seat residing in Japan—White Death.

It’s also clear to Nik and Revy that Balalaika has a reason to leave her throne in Roanapura. The duo is almost sure it's due to Korosensei.

But neither party speaks of it.

Why would they?

Nik is quite aware of the literal ‘bomb’ Balalaika is. Although he likes her, he’s not blind to her ways. Which also gives Nik a couple more reasons to look at himself in the mirror in the morning.

But Nik can’t deny teaching others is fun. His classes don’t always include questionable things. Nik does his best to keep things appropriate. However, it’s hard to do so when Korosensei or Ray would burst inside with porno magazines.

Doesn’t matter.

Karma is still slightly stuck-up cunt, but at least Nik isn’t ‘Pedo-Sensei’ anymore.

Nik and Revy continue weeding out Kosa Council’s establishments at night, fueling political dismay and crisis in the prefecture. Things are getting tense with the addition of the recent disappearance of an ENTIRE port.

Nik’s nights are busier—not always with Balalaika, Revy, or other girls.

First, he meets Ray every other day to feed her Familiar. Nik is curious what will emerge from that egg after sucking so much of his essence.


He’s acting as an ‘entrepreneur’ like his ‘kind’ from the other world.

Things are stable on the surface until…

“Oh? A new teacher?” Nik straightens his back as Revy casts a curious gaze. Tadaomi speaks in English to include everyone inside the faculty room.

“Yes,” he clears his throat. “The school is assigning a foreign language teacher for the children.”

“I don’t buy it,” Revy scoffs, resting her feet on the table. “This school suddenly got a heart for these kids? What a joke.” She smokes her cigarette.

Tadaomi glances at her before looking at Korosensei. “It’s not an issue, right? The School can assign teachers for the Student’s welfare… even if their choice has been questionable.”

Tadaomi glances at Ray with that. The Defense Agent is surprisingly satisfied with Nik and Revy. Nik appropriately carries himself. The two men understand their charms. However, they never use it for any sick pleasures from the children. Revy also has a thing for guns. Although she doesn’t care about teaching, Korosensei often accompanies the children in the shooting range and lets Revy demonstrate her techniques to him.

As she does so, Koro uses this chance to explain to the children about hand-eye coordination, methods of dealing with jammed guns, and other stuff.

The ‘target’—Korosensei—essentially teaches his hunters to hunt better.

But Ray?

Well, she’s a mess. She has no issues spreading her charm and being manipulative. Although, it’s only on the surface. Tadaomi can appreciate her concerns for Hansel and Gretel.

‘But their employer should be one of ‘them,’ right?’ Tadaomi takes away his gaze from the aggrieved pink-eyed girl.

“That’s no issue,” Korosensei beams. “It would be amazing for the students to learn other languages.”

“Wait, how many languages can they teach?” Nik blinks.

“10. Why?” Tadaomi tries to get more information.

“10…” Nik muses. “Nothing. I’d like to learn them all.”

“So you can have an easier time fucking?” Revy voices Ray’s and Korosensei’s thoughts as Nik leans back.


Revy snorts.

“And!” Tadaomi suddenly glares at Korosensei. “Do you know something about the recent crisis of our deep sea defense?”

The atmosphere in the room stiffens as Nik glances at Korsensei.

“Eh?” Korosensei sweat bullets. “It wasn’t me! How can I make submarines disappear? It’s all over the news! It must be that thief who took the port. How cruel of you, Tadaomi-Sensei. I’m an upright man who lives paycheck by paycheck!”

Korosensei vents his troubles like a wronged wife, complaining, “Do you understand how shameful it was of me to experiment with the children to extract sugar from the sweets? It was all a ruse to round up the remaining snacks for myself!”

Tadaomi scoffs.

“It’s because you waste your salary on International goods! You’re lucky the Government isn’t charging more taxes.”

“Look at me,” Korosensei retorts. “I’m a yellow blob. Taxes don’t apply to me.”

“Taxes ARE a massive scam,” Revy resonates with the sentiment. “I’d like to run such scams. It would be easy money.”

Meanwhile, Ray and Nik converse.

[Smexy-succu-succu: I keep telling you not to mess with the Government.]

[Nut-Cracking-Messiah: Relax. I don’t have accumulated materials. Besides, you’re already running out of materials, right? That’s why you stopped asking for my assistance with your familiar’s egg.]

Ray is momentarily silent. She knows Nik’s expeditions of locating and devouring submarines after creating an air bubble from his Personal Space to save the knocked-out crew. He’s done it five times now.

Nik is also correct about her requests for his essence turning sparse.

Ray has limited materials. She also has Korosensei developing her Personal Space.

Ray’s personal space is a restricted desert adjacent to a saltwater lake. The lake came from her killing another host.

However, she is unskilled to manage or make something out of it. She also doesn’t have a society inside.

But she stocked several materials. What she has is enough to reach Rank 2.

‘Others are getting rowdier because of hosts like Accu-mulet and the Herd. Should I also break convention? Well. Nothing about this mission is conventional.’

Ray muses.

‘Also, the familiar egg stopped feeding on other’s essence. It desires the ‘goodness’ of an Incubus like Nik the most. It doesn’t help that Nik’s bloodline is a rarity among its ranks.’

[Smexy-succu-succu: Well, how much does a Sub give?]

[Nut-Cracking-Messiah: 3 AP.]

‘So much?’ Ray blinks. That’s news to her. Well. She never devoured modern weaponry like subs, jets, or tanks.

But 3 AP a pop is enticing enough.

Even Nik was shocked the first time he did it.

Rank 1’s 3 AP means Rank 0’s 30 AP! Nik only got around 10 AP for a Fire Nation’s Ship. The submarines were significantly smaller than those ships. However, their qualities were off the charts.

[AP: 10.2→38.4/100]

But Nik also understands he has to give such ‘liberations’ some space.

“Anyway!” Tadaomi huffs at the problematic bunch. “Be on your best behavior.”



“They’ve got to be weird since you guys won’t let a regular person near the yellow pin-cushion.”

“Weird like us?” Nik humors.


Class 3-E watches in a stunned stupor as a gorgeous, busty, blue-eyed blonde hugs Korosensei’s yellow tentacle- arm between her breasts, tittering like a love-sick teenager. “Even though Korosensei’s hands are squishy, isn’t it cute? I love it so much~!” She swoons as the class remains quiet.


It MUST be obvious, right?

Nagisa, Kaede, Karma, Meg, Hansel, Gretet, and every other student, including the teachers, think.

Korosensei even removed the laughable nose-attached glasses and wig from his face. His pin-ball features don’t betray—

Two blush spots appear on Korosensei’s cheeks as he stares at the newcomer’s cleavage with apparent mesmerization.

Korosensei’s Weakness Number 5: Boobs.—

“What’s so good about them?” Revy scoffs and glances at Nik. If anything, Revy likes showing off. It should be an immediate observation from her usual tank top and booty shorts. Sure, it allowed her to move freely. But so does any bodysuit. However, she’s currently in a peach turtleneck.

“You’re right,” Nik nods as he feels her gaze. “What’s good about boobs? It’s not like breasts are one of the primal triggers for a man. It’s basic. I’ve refined my taste.” His voice is loud enough to make a few students roll their eyes as he finishes. “I’m personally into personality.”

Revy tosses him a dubious glance. Sure. Nik bangs those smashable mothers for their personality…

‘They do have good personalities,’ Revy blinks, recalling their warmth. ‘What about me?’

[Nut-Cracking-Messiah: Ass. That’s a true passion.]

Another cultured discussion begins as Ray muses.

[Smexy-succu-succu: Don’t make it so obvious. You’ve glanced at my ass several times now.”

[Nut-Cracking-Messiah: Cause you’re standing between Revy and me. I’m checking her out.]

She scoffs.

“Don’t be disrespectful,” Tadaomi shoots the trio an annoyed glance before introducing.

“She is your new English teacher. Introduce yourself.”

The woman discreetly glances at the trio before smiling at the class, waving her hands.

“Good morning,” she greets cheerily. “I’m Irina Jelavic! I’m looking forward to working with you all.”

As she says this, the woman glances at Korosensei with a smile. “You, too, Korosensei,” she whispers alluringly.

Classes continue as Korosensei presides for the first few hours. Meanwhile, Irina lights a cigarette in the staff room. She stares at the field where two figures idle—Nik and Revy.

“So, those two are my competitors. Quite pathetic,” the blonde woman blows a puff of smoke. The previous cheer is nowhere to be seen. Instead, dignity and disdain flickers in her cold blue eyes.

“And that short stack wannabe in the nurse costume is their leader.”

She is speaking to herself and another individual in this room, Tadaomi.

The agent remains quiet as if having nothing to add. He’s well aware of womanly vices. He understands her motives at once. She’s probing for more information from him aside from the details given by the government to her handler.

So, her lack of demand for Anti-Sensei material confuses Tadaomi.

Did she get another consignment?

If so, why didn’t his superiors inform him?

The classes continue until recess when students slowly filter out. Some interact with Nik, while others remain cautious of Revy. Ray skips out with a massive bento, giving them to Hansel and Gretel.

“Oh? You can cook?” It instantly attracts Nik’s hunger.

Tadaomi noticed how quickly food influences Nik. Nik doesn’t hide this either. He takes a candid interest in most of the children’s bento, often asking to taste their food.

‘Koro also hid his refrigerator ever since Karma stole his imported food to share with Nik.’ Tadaomi sighs internally. How can they act like kids?

He follows Irina as she steps into the open.

Meanwhile, Tadaomi also hears Hansel and Gretel grumbling over Nik having a ‘bite’ from their meal. Considering the youth’s appetite… a bite is an understatement.

Noticing Korosensei, Irina brightens up. She jogs to him. Dressed in her low-cut blouse and form-fitting cream skirt suit, Irina attracts enough attention from the boys to make a few girls click their tongues in annoyance.

‘Boobs…’ Kaede pouts before glancing at her chest as Nagisa snickers wryly.

“Karasuma-Sensei told me about your speed, Korosensei~!” She presses her body into the disaster-level creature. It’s the PERFECT time to kill Koro! However, she glances up with large eyes. “I always wanted to drink genuine Vietnamese Coffee. I have a favor to ask, Korosensei. Could… could you get me a cup?”

Other students frown. They are in the middle of their recess assassination, knives and all!

However, Korosensei blushes.

“Of course! I know a good shop in Vietnam.” He flies away, leaving a cloud of dust as others cough softly.

As the dust settles, Sugino speaks up. “Should we get into the class, Irina-Sensei? Our recess is almost finished.”

“Could you not speak with such familiarity?” Irina’s gaze turns sharp as her sudden shift surprises the surrounding students. Nik and Revy watch with interest as Ray chastises the twins for eating with their mouths open.

“Listen,” Irina lights her cigarette. “I don’t intend to play teacher with you lot. Do whatever you like in your free time. Truly. Asking kids to plan an assassination is the most laughable thing. I will play my part in front of the octopus. As for you… You can call me Jelavic-Oneesama.”

“So, Bitch-Sensei,” Karma interjects.

“Don’t shorten my name!” Irina snaps as Karma remains unfazed. “You’re a pro, right? Do you think you can take down that monster?”

Suspicions flicker in Karma. He knows if he rocked those knockers, he would have already stabbed Koro.

So, why didn’t she?

“Of course,” Irina draws her gun from the depths of her cleavage. “And I advise you to stay back from my path, or I will kill you.” She pecks the tip of her tiny revolver.

Others… look strange.


A regular gun?

They glance at each other.

Even Nagisa looks surprised.

However, Irina suddenly turns to him. She walks confidently, leaning down at the boy.

Before she could do what she planned—



“Don’t do something stupid!”

Revy, Ray, and Tadaomi snap simultaneously as Irina’s heart chills. Her frame shudders as she slowly turns around.

Irina’s blue eyes glance at the chilling void blooming within the twins’ gaze. However, 

Tadaomi is quick enough to catch and keep both of them. Sharp, metal chopsticks bend in their fists, making Irina suck a breath of cold air.


Why wasn’t she told about these monsters?

“Were you going to kiss a boy without asking him?”

Then Irina turns to look at the quiet youth. Veins bulge around his neck as Ray surprisingly keeps him back. Other students gulp. This is the first time they are seeing Nik-Sensei look so… terrifying.

[Smexy-succu-succu: Look around you! We are different. Okay? Losing control has consequences. You’re already scaring the kids.]

“W-What?” Unknowingly, Irina’s body is covered in cold sweat.

Nik lets out a shuddering breath before smiling. He pushes Ray away before glancing at the twins.

“Don’t scare kids like that, Bitch-San,” he warmly pats their heads as the twins lower their heads.

“That’s right!” Karma giggles, more than excited by these events. “Only Pedo-Sensei gets to harass junior-high’s students!”

Nik lets out an exhausted breath.

Why pedo?

He shakes his head before glancing at Irina. “Refrain from doing stupid shit like that. It pisses Tadaomi-Sensei off.”

Irina remains in her position as he walks past her.

“And you!” He knocks Nagisa’s head. “Don’t just let old bitches kiss you, dumbass!”

‘Exactly!’ Kaede heavily agrees.

“A-Ah! R-right!” Nagisa lowers his head.

Nik opens his mouth to say something before he looks around. Others quickly glance away, unable to meet his gaze.

‘I lost control,’ Nik smiles bitterly. He lost control before, too, when not drunk on lust. Twice—against Zhao and those triplets.

“Carry on,” Nik leaves the field, taking huge strides as he doesn’t bother with Revy or Ray.

‘The fuck happened,’ he grumbles. ‘It was just a kiss. It wouldn’t have ended the world.’ Nik has always been more tolerant. It’s one of his positive points. But he also felt disgusted. It didn’t bother Nik that Irina was kissing a teen. Hey. Hurray for Nagisa. How can Nik be unaware of teenagers’ thoughts? He reckons kissing a hot teacher is their dream.

But she was going to do that without his consent.


He scoffs.

‘You fucking hypocrite. Do you ask for consent when you kill others? What about Balalaika and others. They aren’t saints. And THIS got you? Heck. Even June must have some blood on her hands, much less others.’

It bothered him when he had no right to feel bothered.

Then again, Nik also had his answer. One defiled innocence. The other didn’t.

Nik suddenly stops and glances in the distance. Three well-built men carry packages in their hands.

‘Real guns?’ He blinks. ‘What are they? Stupid?’


Alternate Title: Developments; Underground Currents; Little Entrepreneur; It’s a Torpedo, It’s a Kaiju, No, It’s Nik; Korosensei Taking the Blame For Every Host; Nik Living For the Grind; Boosted AP; Balalaika’s Pub; Same Mission, Different Rooms; The New Teacher; Blatant Charm; Personality?; Always Bet on Ass; Huge Knockers; Irina Jelavic; The Oblivious Teacher; Recess Time; Almost Meating All Mighty Father; Nagisa’s Missed Chance; Yep, Tadaomi Gets Pissed; Twins and the Big Bro; Scared; Rare Instance of Losing Control; Ray’s Stronk!; She Might Be Stupid; Kaede and Her Homies Hate Big Oppai!


Bitch Sensei



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