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“I’m a great baker!” Theo defends himself, ignoring the flour scattered all over the counter and floor and himself.

Oh, and you. You’re pretty sure it’s in your hair.

“You almost used salt instead of sugar,” You point out.

“That’s what you’re here for,” He says, dusting his hands off unsuccessfully, “To keep me from making little mistakes like that.”

You decide not to point out that it would’ve been a bit more than a little mistake and it would’ve made the cookies inedible. From the quirk of his lips, he’s already well aware of the fact. He approaches you on light feet, his tail swaying eagerly behind him as he kisses your cheek with a wink.

“You’re a great assistant, sunshine.” He quips with a grin.

“Mmhmm.” You huff, “And you’re getting even more flour on me.”

“Oh, my sincerest apologies.” He smirks, “We have eight minutes until the cookies come out. We can catch a shower after they do. We did get pretty messy, after all.”

You roll your eyes, dumping the bowls and measuring cups in the sink and not quite giving him a straight answer. The timer ticks down faster than you feel it should, and soon the little heart shaped sugar cookies are on a cooling rack to prepare them for icing later.

You glance over at Theo, and see his eyes are locked on your profile. You bite your lip to stifle a smile and turn in his direction.

“Well?” You prompt.

“…Well?” He echoes in confusion, brows drawing together.

“I think I was promised a shower with a handsome devil just a few moments ago.” You remind him, “I was wanting to take him up on the offer.”

He takes you by the hands, pulling you down the short hallway with a wide grin. You both tumble into your too-small bathroom, and he finds immense pleasure in giving you a show as he slides off his pants. You stop him as he goes to undo his buttons, instead stripping him of his shirt yourself.

You run a hand along his bare chest as he grins, leaning in to kiss you deeply. His lips are cool against yours, your entire body feeling like it’s on fire as his tail wraps around your waist.

“Can I?” He asks lowly, his hands reaching for the fastenings on your pants.

You swallow thickly and nod. He undresses you slowly, his fingers grazing against your skin here and there as your clothes fall to join his on the tile. He pulls you back toward the shower, idly turning the knob on for warm water while he presses you against the wall. His breath is hot on your neck as he kisses up the smooth column of your throat before continuing his heady assault along your jaw.

When your lips finally meet again, he spins you around and draws both of you into the shower. The warm water pours over you, but getting clean seems to be an afterthought as Theo sinks to his knees before you. You work soap into his hair as he leans forward with an eager tongue, lavishing attention on you in a way that makes it hard not to clench his hair between your fingers.

Orgasms come quick and easy when his mouth is in charge, and you lean against the wall of the shower to prevent your shaky legs from buckling. He savors it, rising slowly just as you reach down to take his hard length into your hand.

“Oh, fuck-“ He chokes on a whimper, his tail swaying violently and catching on your thigh, curling around you like a lifeline.

He nearly bends in half as you pump him slowly with a firm grip, drawing him in by the neck with your free hand to kiss him in a way that has heat building in your abdomen once more.

“Good boy,” You whisper sweetly between your lips crashing together, squeezing his cock between the long strokes of your slick skin on his.

He moans, a quivering noise that’s breathed directly into your mouth as he finally spills all over your hand. It washes away quickly and you both stumble out after another rinse off, your limbs clumsy and your bodies sated with pleasure.

“We might get messy again with the icing,” He teases as he runs a towel over his hair.

“Don’t push it,” You grin back, pressing one last kiss to the corner of his smirking mouth.


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