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When you open the door, he’s standing there with a bouquet of daffodils and roses in a nice, funky patterned button down. His smile is brighter than the colorful blooms he holds, the faintest flush staining the tips of his ears a light pink.

“There you are,” You grin, leaning again the door frame.

“Here I am. Happy Valentine’s Day. Roses are cliche in my opinion, but they're traditional.” Viktor gives you an indulgent smile as he hands over the bouquet, “I like the daffodils the best, though. They're bright.”

“They remind me of the sun. Very yellow.” You surmise with a laugh, surveying the flowers in your hands.

He hums in agreement, “I always thought they reminded me of you.”

Freezing, your eyes dart up to meet his. He's looking at you, soft, like you're the center of his universe. His sun, his light.

You step back to let him into your dorm, and he closes the door behind him. You busy yourself for a moment, getting a large glass and filling it with water for the flowers.

“Theo is out,” You say, fanning the fresh flowers out so they look like a proper centerpiece, “So it’s just us for tonight.”

“Thank God,” Viktor rolls his eyes, “I’ve gotten enough ridiculing tonight from my sisters. I called mom to ask where to buy flowers and I don’t think they’re ever gonna let me live it down.”

“Probably not,” You huff out a laugh, “But I appreciate your sacrifice.”

“I’m glad someone does,” He grumbles, following you to the living room, “Mom just kept giggling.”

You settle on the couch, watching him closely as he sits beside you. He offers his hand, palm up, and you accept it. Lacing your fingers together, you bite back a smile.

“So, what do you want to do?” You ask, “Watch a movie, go get take out, make a frozen pizza and commiserate over alchemy homework?”

“Anything but reminding me we have alchemy homework at all,” His nose scrunches, “I do love frozen pizza, though.”

“Frozen pizza it is, then.” You say, “We’ll toss one in later. I just…want to rest like this for a little while now.”

His expression tells you he understands completely. He draws you in closer until you’re resting against his chest, his chin coming to fit naturally in the nape of your neck. You glance up, tracing the curve of his horns with mischievous eyes before you finally reach up and run a finger along the smooth arches.

Viktor shudders under your touch, shifting to bury more of his face in your neck as you turn your attention to the other horn, not wanting to neglect it.

“Careful,” He warns, voice breathy.

“I’m never careful,” You whisper in return.

He huffs out a fond laugh, knowing just how true that statement really is.

You twist in his arms, going in for a kiss that burns with unspoken want. He meets you halfway, pulling you even further on top of him as he leans back against the couch. His sharpened teeth catch on your lips as his tongue meets yours, coaxing a low moan from your throat as his hand wanders further and further down.

He breaks the kiss, trailing kisses along your jawline before he focuses on your neck. The suction of his lips against your pulse point makes you shudder as he finally dips below the waistband of your underwear. He nudges your legs open to give him more space before he brings his hand back up, resting his fingers at your kiss swollen lips.

You take them into your mouth without question. You watch his face closely as you bob you head up and down on the digits, seeing the way his expression shudders. He tears them from your mouth, returning below in seconds.

Those spit slick, clever fingers find your entrance and work you open carefully, whispering encouragement as he finds every place that makes you come undone in his arms and promptly abuses the knowledge. He takes you apart until you’re practically melted in his arms, your pleasure rising and rising until it crests. You peak, falling and shattering over the edge as you come undone in his grasp.

He holds you throughout it all, stroking your hair with the hand not covered in your release, “You did so well, you let me make you feel so good…”

You slump back against him, tilting your head up to look at him. He bends over, kissing your forehead lightly.

“So,” He says cheekily, “About that pizza?”

You just groan, closing your eyes and sinking further into his embrace.



RAAAH viktor u will always be famous, to me. 💗💗‼️