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I hope the holiday season is treating you all well!

Sooo... I've got good news and bad news. Mostly bad. You know where this is going, right?

Bad news first:
It's exactly what you think it is. The update isn't done yet.
...I shoulda split this one into two parts while I still had the time.

Oh wait, that's the good news:

The update is another longboi. And it goes hard.
...I meant the story. Get your mind outta the gutter.

Oh, and the other good news is that it's almost done. Does that count as a separate news?

I wanted it to be out before 31st, just to end the year with banger, but... uhhh... I kinda failed again. Sorry bout that!

That being said though, it should be out for testers soon, and for you guys in a couple of days. Hopefully and most likely before/on Monday.
EDIT: ...oooor maybe not. How does Wednesday sound?

Now, with that outta the way...

I wanted to write a long, heartwarming message, but I've been writing dialogue for the past few hours, and I'm beginning to hate all forms of language. Again.
Which isn't a big deal, it happens almost everyday around this time, but it's gonna make me switch to ooga booga mode really soon, so uhh... I'll keep it short.

I would like to once again, thank every single one of you from the bottom of my heart for sticking around this year.
Thank you so much for supporting my work and for being patient every time I miss a deadline.

Here's to another year filled with delayed updates and unkept promises.

Happy new year!




LOL Happy New Year to you! And thanks for making a really fun game!