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Man, it's been a while since I did the character polls.
Both of the previous polls had ALL characters in them. I'm sure the results would be interesting-

...ooookay. Iris won the poll again. Who's surprised?
Eh. I'm sure the public poll would have a different winner-


Really? REALLY!? She literally won the poll that came before these as well! Do you guys really love her that much!?

You know what? Fine. More Iris content. You win.
But I do kinda need another character to focus on. Let's see who got second place.


Okay, how the fuck did you guys pull this off? HOW!?

Fine, Ava it is. Progressing with her is gonna take a liiiittle longer than usual, though. She isn't easy to woo. Trust me, I'm trying.

So uhh... yeah. There you have it. The next few updates will focus on Iris & Ava.
The next set of polls will be out in a day or two as well.  
No, I'm putting all characters in this time.




Maybe it would be more useful to ask who should get TLC for more content instead of who’s the favorite? But maybe not.


Iris , Ava, and Violet, my three favorite girls!!! :) Would love to see Mrs Wilson's story to progress too!!!


That's how it is usually. Just wanted to know how things are this time.