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Hello everyone <3

Thank you for all being so kind

I'm doing a little more drawing lately... just... half an hour or an hour
Honestly I'm going super crazy not being able to draw > v > lol

But whilst I was languishing away, diminishing, I had a thought about a pay what you want comic thing. Just a self contained little something! I've been doodling that when I'm getting stir crazy. 

As far as my actual recovery time, I think things have been definitely improving, and I saw the doctor and he advised waiting a week, doing some specific exercises and stretches and keeping him up to speed. I think they've actually been helping quite a bit. There's still a little bit going on, but I think it's definitely improving, thankfully. 

I'll hopefully be good to go by Saturday. That's at least when my extra week of recovery is over... we'll see if I can stand not drawing 8 hours a day by then > v > 

I have about 5 pages of this little comic thing sketched, so I'll upload a couple of those for y'all to see <3 

Let me know what you think about the idea! I think it'll be a great way to get a bit of revenue out of the comic effort, which is really where my heart is going on drawing. Eventually I'd like to spend all my time doing Cafe Les Beans and other comic projects like this, but that's a very long way off

Anywho, thank you all! 



Glad to read from you! I wish you all the healing possible! Take good care of yourself^^