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My doctor's appointment finally happened and it doesn't seem like there's anything TOO serious going on with my wrist. There's something, but it wasn't apparent what it was... as such... it's minor for now. 

Doctor's orders were to wait another week and see how it is, and then if the stretches and anti-inflammatory I'm using don't fix it, I do physical therapy. As such... it's another week before I can draw at least

Honestly this is so frustrating to me... I feel super helpless and I hate having to wait. I'm getting too antsy and I'm going to doodle a little bit, but for now... I'm definitely continuing the hiatus

I'm sorry everyone 8( 


Azura Cannon

It's alright. What's most important is that your wrist recovers and you are able to do what you love and supply us with your beautiful art.

Mako + HannaPhilip

So sorry to hear about the wrist problems, but remember that health always comes first (I say from way too much experience). We'll wait patiently of course, but I guess to satisfy the urge you could learn to draw with your off hand... (Or channel Otome Saotome and learn to draw lewd things with your mouth...)


Hope your wrist improves soon! Take care of yourself.

Moriko Haiku

*thinks what to say.......* *thinks what to say......* *imagines Homura cheering you up!* *hopes it work* btw, are you left handed or right handed?


Hope you feel better soon