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I don't think I will ever get tired of the way you draw those two adorable plump faces, especially in color! :D The sheen to Lexi's fat and sheer amount of color in those bags and couch are delightful!


one day she will be big as Claire from Fatclubinc 😂

Leroy Preston

This was an early release! Especially since the next page of revenge hasn't been released yet. I notice that the color pages tend to be 4 pages before the current page of revenge, now it's 3 pages before the current page of revenge. It does make me wonder if the next page of revenge will be released early.


I tend to colour in batches so that's why a couple pages get released close together. Unfortunately I've got a very busy weekend so don't get your hopes too high about an early page but I will try my best lol

Leroy Preston

Your life should come before your art. It would be very selfish if I demanded that you abandon your life to focus solely on this comic.


just dont stress yourself. :-) take care!


Take your time Anon! :) Life comes before our lovely fat comic :D


One day we'll get a crossover episode, or see how each draws the other's OCs! I'd be quite interested in seeing my two favorite fat artists collabing on something.