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Hello everyone!

Here is an NPC that functions with the sidekick rules.

In case you need to add some holiness to your party, this is the way to go!


Evan | MonkeyDM



Noah Kohn

I consistently enjoy your work and creativity, I'm noticing a handful of errors/typos, usually where I'm assuming you were copy/pasting wording from similar abilities such as Sorcery points. Also your table fails to list the amount of Holy Points gained at 2nd level( I'm also curious as to the rate of holy point acquisition as you level, why is there two instances of a 1 point per level increase when all others were 1 point every two? Is this reminiscent of slot gains for half casters?


I uploaded the corrected version, my apologies! In regards to the progression, it is meant to be a half half-caster. Paladins are half-casters, but sidekicks are supposed to be lesser than their player counterparts. So I had to weaken the spellcasting further, leading to what you see here :)

Noah Kohn

That makes sense, I should have followed that line of logic, thank you!