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After completing the Arthurian Legends Tome, I figured a high-level adventure would be fitting.

So give chase to epic level monsters and gain the Graal!

Adventure for 17th or 20th level, so really high level haha.

All the monsters used in this adventure can be found on my Patreon, or directly in the Arthurian Legends Tome.

In regards to magic item, this is a end game stuff, so feel free to give legendary, very rare and rare items to your players!

When we ran it, we used one legendary item, and 2 very rare item per players, not including potions.

Take Care!
Evan | MonkeyDM




Where can I find Mordred's character? I've read all this pdf and the Arthurian Legends Tome and I cannot find it. (It is awesome anyways)


I’m planning on running this as a cool one shot next weekend, but I can’t find Mordred’s statblock in this or the round table pdf, is there another statblock we’re supposed to use for Mordred?


I've uploaded it here, for some reason it didn't appear for a while, apologies!


I've uploaded it here, for some reason it didn't appear for a while, apologies!