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Hello everyone!

Today a new subclass, the squire, which marks the start of a new compendium!

Fallen Legends of the Roundtable

This new compendium will focus on the old legend of king arthur and the knights of the roundtable, but with a twist.

The core idea is this: What if Morgan the witch won?

Now all the knights of the roundtable are her fallen puppets, and Avalon is in disarray.

What powers would emerge from such a situation?

I hope you are all as excited about this as I am haha.

I have plenty of super ideas to run, starting with excalibur, the sacred sword tomorrow, and some spells after that.

In the meantime,
Take Care!

Evan | MonkeyDM




I love Arthurian tales and have a whole knighthood for my homebrew game, so this is perfect!