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Hello everyone!

Here's an adventure that I made in collaboration with the now shut down Questiary.

Due to the fact that they closed this adventure never saw the light of day.

But rather than burying it completely, might as well release it here, we did spend quite a bit of time writing it after all haha.

Here's a breakdown.

If you’ve had a chance to check on Domains of Dread, you know these are horrible demiplanes created to control and haunt their dreadlord. 

This is another one of said domains. It is similar to Strahd’s Barovia, yet the type of horror is entirely different. This plane, colloquially known as Loveland, is not gothic horror but rather a psychological horror. 

It is heavily by We Happy Few. Here, happiness and love are A MUST. Everyone is indebted to idolizing and loving Vicio or else. Yet, despite being loved by everyone, his mother never loves him again.

Due to the inner corruption of his soul, Vicio has turned the entire location into a twisted fantasy, where the once lovely toys have turned into ugly, distorted creations. 

This place is no longer the loving home of an expert wizard but a patch of land stuck in endless revelry and constant celebration, all to please a maddened ruler with a penchant for the dramatic.

Take care!

Evan | MonkeyDM



James Makkyla

Curiously off topic possibly, but what is everyone's favorite Monkey DM one shot appropriate for Halloween?

Korey Hawkins

I'm adapting his elden ring stuff and mixing it with the remedy for a live stream!