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Someone asked to see my iridescent shader for the shiny birb model. In this case it's just a quick faked effect, it doesn't calculate light paths or anything, it just gives you the colourful colours if you're looking directly at a surface and fades away to the proper body colours as you get more off-angle.

Take whatever is driving your main body colours and mix it together with a colourful colour ramp- play around with whatever colours you want and where they sit on the ramp until you like the effect. Mix the two together using a "Layer weight > facing" node, play around with the value until happy, and if you want you can use an additional colour ramp in between the layer weight and the mix node to control how strongly the colour is mixed in. You can take the black handle of the colour ramp and change it's colour to be whiter to get a more subtle mixing effect.

Then output that to your BSDF and bam, you're done!




That's brilliant!

Jo (FuzzyDerg)

Thanks for sharing, simple tricks like this are where it’s at :D Probably would be a fair bit more involved, but a look at your fur/feather process would be sweet.


Yeah, I'll have to do this at some point! The shader for my fur is really pretty simple so it should be pretty easy to plop up here. All the hair combing and nonsense is a bit hard to explain though, but hopefully that tutorial from a while back can still help people. :P