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Just an update on the model. She's got fur! In the process of making an animation with her now- and I should actually be able to show you guys the WIP on this one since it's a very consensual scene, so stay tuned for that I suppose!

Poses are a bit meh because they were just quick renders to show the commissioner for approval, but they at least do the job of showing her off.





Taki Kuroi

She's a cutie! I like her.


Your 3d characters are really good. She looks great.


Ooh, very lovely! I love watching the gradual improvement in your style


Hey, thanks! I'm still working on it... I haven't quite found a style I'm 100% happy with, but I'm hopefully getting a little closer with each model made!

Drall (Victor M)

absolutely awesome. a small critique, is I think the mouth seems a little bit small? or is that just me? probably just me


I could see how it could look a bit small. It's somewhat intentional though- I find it's easier to 'stretch' cleanly than it is to 'squish' cleanly, so if I start with the mouth small it's easier to stretch it out into wide expressions than it is to have a default wide one and squish it down into smaller ones. So basically I did it on purpose. Whether or not that's the right call remains to be seen, though! :P

Bloudin Ruo

Heya Ru! Sorry I'm super late to give feedback on this! I found in the past, a lot of your models tended to be on the more fantastical side in terms of proportions. That's not saying anything was wrong, they looked absolutely wonderful, but it was a design choice that became something of a style. I personally loved it, but I just wanted to point that out before getting to the point. I think this gal has a bit less of that, and it turned out even better. She has more thickness in the places that you usually tended to make much thinner and curved (such as the belly and neck), which I think grounds the proportions a bit more in reality and really draws in a viewer more. You did this without compromising the style you've carefully crafted through tons of hard work, too! Great going :3 Additionally, is this done with the 3D sculpted fur you've been poking about with? If anything else, I think the 'short' areas, such as the arms and legs, have much more depth to them. Maybe it's just down to the lighting, fur color and contrast, but there seems to almost be a bit more length to the fur there than you've had on some of your other models, which helps our brains see it as 'fur' rather than a flat surface texture. Also great work! I love the fur flow coming off her neck, down her chest and over the shoulders, it looks so natural and wonderful! And the tail is not just a 'mass' of material or texture, it feels layered and poofy and great! All fantastic points and all things you should be proud of. If I was to give one small piece of critique, it would be that her neck feels a little long. And by a little, I mean just ever so slightly, to the point where my mind is kind of saying "Something feels off, but I can choose to not see it if I want to". Something to the degree of maybe 2-3cm less would ease that 'slightly off' feeling, though the fur and pose will certainly do wonders to change that, too! Awesome work, can't wait to see your plans with her!


You don't ever have to apologize man, you don't owe me comments, and if you decide to you can do it whenever you want. :P As always I'm happy to hear from you, but don't feel like you gotta! The change in anatomy style on this model is a little less of an intentional change of direction, and more of a coincidence of me just getting better at making models I think. Some of the past ones are definitely pushing it a bit! While I haven't yet found a style I'm 100% happy with and I want to explore models that push both cartoony and realistic directions much harder, I do feel like I've at least improved in general a bit, as perhaps this model shows. This isn't the sculpted fur though, sculpted fur is going to look very very different, much less realistic. Just particles on this one. :P I agree with her neck being a bit long, I noticed it too, but by the time I noticed it it was too late to easily make changes so I left it be for now. Maybe I'll address that in the future, but I don't think it's quite bad enough to be necessary just yet. Anyway yeah, thanks a bunch! Glad you're liking her so far. :3


She looks really good. Altho looking at her makes me wonder, Ru do you have any variety of body types in your ladies? A thicc (or at least body heavy) gal? Or one with big tits?


Not a lot, admittedly. I'm actually not that into thiccer girls, to be honest. I could mess around with bigger boobs at some point though.


A fingering scene would be perfect