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Hey look, I did a thing. I hope it was worth waiting a year and a half. xD



Bloudin Ruo

It returns! It begins! Get some, Kyle! This is what you wanted, isn't it? Super excited to see this one come back and finish up :)


I was just thinking about how to wrap this up after the fox is done being nailed. Unfortunately my thinking has born no fruit. Turns out plot endings are hard to come up with :P


Yeah, I'm still not 100% sure how I'm going to get from climax to finale... but I'm sure I'll work something out. I hope. :P


Gonna be honest I was pretty damn sure you gave up on this one but I'm so glad you're bringing it back!


I probably would have, except I keep having comments trickle in from people saying I need to finish it. Even after all this time they still come in from time to time. Apparently people like this dumpster fire of a comic, so I might as well start working on getting it done. x3


That little bastard still needs his comeuppance, but daaaaamn that horse is cute (and seems like a nice guy). He needs his own story filled with good things happening to him. Note that "spanking" and "target of a twenty-one gun bukkake salute" count as "good thing".


Could we get the April vote going? :)