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I'm thinking- and let me stress, thinking, about going back to the comic and finishing it up. I find myself at a point in time where I have no overwhelming urge to make something specific in 3D, and no obligations of any kind at the moment. I'm considering what to make next, and it would be awfully nice to finish that up and not have it hanging over my head anymore.

Now, don't hold me to it, it's just one option I'm thinking of. But if I do take that route, I could use a little help with it. See, I don't really know what to do with the story... clearly there needs to be a little more meat packin' going on, we can't finish things up without the fox getting impaled at least for a while. That's the easy part, I know how to get there. But once they're all done doing the nasty, I kinda don't know how to finish up the story in a satisfying way. The plot is barely existent, what what does exist is kinda garbo, so I don't really know where to take it to make it feel concluded.

So I could use some input, what would you guys like to see to finish the story out? I need a way to get from "they're done the sex" to "the end" that doesn't leave people going "Oh, that's it?" y'know? Preferably in a way that doesn't take a bajillion pages to get to, I would like to rap it up fairly quickly, hah.

So yeah, any opinions or ideas would very much be welcome. If anything really amuses or excites me we may see the pages start flowing again. :P


Eddie SanHusky

Original actress wakes up, stumbles over to horse all horny, horse pushes her aside and offers his arm to Kyle, inviting him to dinner, and he two walk off with the horse telling Kyle all the things he's going to do to him while the tigress stares at them leaving with a wet crotch


They cum, and a panel of relaxing, and then "CUT!" Kyle forgot that they were being filmed. The director says, "That was great! Shortie, I had no idea you had it in you." "Well no, my problem was not getting it in me." "Whatever, you wanna level up to actor? From fluffer to stuffer?" Kyle wiggles back on the horse and says, "Stuffed. Definitely stuffed."

Bloudin Ruo

So I have some questions that would determine the framework for how I approach this. Where you stopped the story before, are you wanting to continue from that page directly? Looking at it again I think maybe one or two more pages could really round out that 'arc' extremely well, such as the next page zooming back out to grab the befuddled reactions of the camera-man and director, then shifting to them realizing how good that was, ending with the director running off with the raw copy to show whatever boss they have that was going to axe their jobs. Share some quippy, sexy dialogue between the stallion and Kyle(if I'm remembering his name right). Boss comes back with good news--they're not getting fired, so long as Kyle signs on as an actor. Needed so they can sell the video or something legal like that. Given the choice to sign the contract or not, once he does, the stallion gives him some sexy eyes and says "Can't wait to see you again tomorrow" or something. Extremely just jumbled together thoughts there, but could provide the basic idea of a way to end out this arc cleanly and set up for the next. I would expect the next arc to be maybe the next day? How you would want to tackle this entire scene can go a million different ways so I'll step over that bit and just skip towards the end, since that's what you're really asking for! One idea that comes to mind is this: After they've romped around all day doing scenes and enjoying themselves, tie into the whole "Wow it's so much better when someone is doing it for fun rather than for work" idea that you played with originally and have both Kyle and the stallion character express how much fun they've been having, and that it's not even like work! Maybe the stallion even asks Kyle if he wants to go out and get a drink after they get cleaned up from the day? Just -hint- at him opening up to the fennec, and leave the rest either to a third installment of the viewer's imagination! Could also have a funny epilogue-esque panel or sketchy page of the original tiger actress sitting at home bored and being all grumpy that a little fennec boy took her role! As always, feel free to reach out if you want more help or to brainstorm! I may edit this post if other stuff pops into my head.


The most important thing is that I don't want it to go on for too long... I kinda just want to get 'er done. It's been hanging over my head a bit too long and I'd like to put it behind me, hah. There are some interesting ideas here, to be sure... I'm not sure I want to draw it out into multiple arcs though. I'll probably just have them gettin' it on for a bit longer, and then once the fox is very thoroughly used up, wrap everything up somehow. I know I need to address the tigeress somehow, I'm pretty sure I can't just KO the poor girl and then never bring her up again. Having him hired on as a performer is an interesting idea though. That gives me that 'the end' feeling I was looking for, a bit. The central 'conflict' for lack of a better word was that he never gets to have any real fun, and then he'd get to have all kinds of the real fun if he's promoted, so that has a nice closing loop feel, and having the big bosses keep things running because they like him so much is good, solves all the problems I set up. I can work with that one for sure. Between your comment and the above ideas, I've certainly got enough to get thinking about this now, at least!


For the tigress you could play it off that she knew the fox was going to try and drug her and that she was only pretending to pass out, basically she had planned it out, wasn't interested in the horse and could see that the fox was. At least then the fox would be a little bit less culpable. Could be a simple thought bubble from her "Little fox finally figured out to drug the water, took 5 times but he got it"


Since the girl never did anything wrong and was treated kinda roughly I‘d propose a rather happy ending for all involved. Something along the lines of „girl wakes up, girl joins the action, everybody has a great time, director is ultra happy, too.“ The ending could be done quite quickly after the action is over, maybe even in one single image like the movie poster advertising the movie, showing all three in action.


The fluffer getting pulled off of being thoroughly impaled on the horse's cock by the police just before he (the fluffer) would have climaxed. Arrest is filmed and is released as "reality porn". Horse becomes a star because he is beautiful. NO SPOO FOR YOU ROOFIE-BOY