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Another WIP, part of the same commission as the previous model. This one's a little further along, the fur needs finishing touches and tweaks but he's starting to look decent. This is the guy who's gonna get stuffed full of horse in an animation, down the road. Stockings are very early rough stuff, needs lots of fixing.

Before anyone asks, he's got no balls. I'm not into it myself, but not bothered by it enough to turn down the work, so I went ahead with it. Should still turn into a decent animation I think, if you can ignore that. :P



Eddie SanHusky

Eh, the only thing balls on a fox are good for is holding the chastity cage on

Bloudin Ruo

When I saw that this was commissioned by the same person behind the stallion model, I sure was hoping they'd put them in an animation together and I was not dissapointed! What can I say that I haven't said before, though? I think you've got your canines down, especially lithe builds. You know what you're doing! I don't think many will have any problems with the null status of the character. I've found, in my personal experience, that as long as it isn't being done in the piece itself, people can put it by the wayside if it doesn't specifically appeal to them. It's when you get the process happening that people get squicked, and understandably so. It's not for everyone. Great work and I'm really excited for the animation!