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Got his fur on! It's doing a bit of weirdness here and there that'll need sorting out, and I've also got to add things like proper materials for the fleshy bits and claws and such, but he's getting near done at this point.

Now, what to do with him...




Maybe he could be restrained and teased by someone like the dragon girl you made earlier. But then he could break free from his restraints and then pounce on her and "get back" at her?

Bloudin Ruo

Oh wow, the whole feeling of the character changes so much when you add everything together! He kind of gives off a bit of a Kung Fu Panda animation type vibe. Great work on him!

James Dawes

Looking good. Can't wait to see what you do with this sexy fuzzy boy.


Now that is a tail. The facial features remind me a bit of Scar from the Lion King... so I'd love to see him "tortured" in some way. Maybe tickled. Maybe by a pack of hyenas...


With a look like that I'd be worried about what he'd do with YOU!