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It's working! Mwhahaha!

Made some improvements to the physics, think I got 'em behaving pretty well. Lookit dem balls bounce.

Also, here's a sneak peek at what I'm thinking, colour wise. Still tweaking and adjusting colours, but something like dis. Kinda aiming for something like a dark clouded leopard. What do ya think?


Eddie SanHusky

Okay, kids, follow the bouncing balls, and sing along with me!

Bloudin Ruo

Oh wow I am loving this model even more! I think his colors work very well :) And even though I said the previous physics looked great, these look even better! The T-pose blank stare hip thrust is a bit interesting :3


Hah, yeah, not a polished animation by any means. Just wanted some quick movements to test the physics. It's a little unsettling if you look at it too long. x3

Summer Vixen

.... But are they bigger? 🤔


What kind of animation are you planning on featuring this beast in?


I wasn't really making him with any particular animation in mind, he was mainly an outlet for a lot of experimental ideas I wanted to test out. That said, I've been wanting to strap someone into a Venus and milk them dry for quite a while now, and for various reasons this guy would be a good candidate, so we might just see that!

Summer Vixen

They seem like they move a little too quickly, like, they're flopping around too much and too suddenly. I don't think real flesh flops around quite that jerkily... is there a way to slow it down a little? I wish I had a word for it. If it was a fluid, I'd say that it had low viscosity, but it sounds weird describing animated flesh that way. IDK. I hope I'm making sense. XD