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I ended up going with a deer! I'm pretty picky about my d-girl species... there were lots of fun suggestions, but anything too small and cute just doesn't do it for me, I'd rather just make 'em as a normal female. I'm not sure exactly what criteria my brain wants, but as I was reading through the list of species none of them were really jumping out at me for this one until I read deer, and then I almost immediately thought "Oh, yup, that's the one." 

It also kind of works because, while there weren't strictly multiple suggestions for any one idea, the general concept of 'hooved or horned/antlered' critters came up more than anything else. 

So, ignoring the face because those always look creepy and wrong until they get painted and posed properly (I think it's the combination of no eyebrows and super wide open eyes that really does it), what do ya think? Any thoughts/critiques before I move on? 



Shira Wolven

Deer in the headlights!


Could we get some hair on her? Maybe a bob?


Oh, I definitely plan to add some hair. I haven't decided exactly what style yet, but there'll be something! I have to wait until all the mesh stuff is done before I can add hair though, so that'll be a little bit.

Summer Vixen

Why is she circumcised? Could/would you give her a foreskin?


She's not circumcised, the skin is sorta pulled back right now. Though that's an interesting idea, figuring out a foreskin could be an interesting rigging challenge... I'll look into it.

Lasse T. Stendan

Oh god, why did you mention the face? Now I can't look away! Seriously, though, she looks quite nice.