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I'm nearly done with the recent model auction I did and, barring approval, should have it all finished and should have an animation based on that character done in the coming days. Which means it's about time to start looking for something new to make...

I've said this a bunch of times already but I'ma say it again 'cause I still kinda feel bad about it- I know I'm making a ton of models and not doing much with them, but I still feel like I'm learning a bunch with each new model I make so it still seems like a good place to focus my attention for now. Once I feel like I'm really making models who's quality is up to snuff I'll start focusing more on animation, but that's only gonna happen if I practice the shit out of modelling so with that in mind...

What would be a fun species/critter to see a 3D model (and probably short animation) based on? This isn't really a vote or anything, just looking for suggestions and inspiration, but if there's overwhelming support for one particular idea I'll give it real consideration I suppose. But yeah, if you've got any ideas for things that might look cool doing filthy things in 3D drop 'em here. :D

If it helps the suggesting at all, this will probably be a herm/dickgirl situation, I'd like to add one of those to the roster.


Eddie SanHusky

There are amazingly few Meercats around

Shira Wolven

I’d say hypno dragons, haha. In all seriousness, a Japanese or Chinese dragon, maybe?


You've got two foxes, a wolf, a dragoness, and a lion dude. So something that's going to look different from those. I say a mouse or rat.




I vote otter! Or something else with webbings. Why? Because it would be a little different, getting the subsurface scattering for the skin right, and also rigging that without messing up the deformations. Truth be told, definitely not an expert here, but it sounds at least somewhat like a new challenge to consider :P


A Ringtail. Or a raccoon or a ferret really. Something that won't easily be mistaken for a dog or cat

Posessed Word Bearer

i think with making animations, you will recieve average ammount of experience in 3d modeling as well, as you still need to keep in mind many things due to models actualy moving. i.e. my bro, Stenier used to make tonns of furry 3d models, but when he did few animations he realised that he should've done them other way in some parts. BUT! do what inspires you, not to burn out fast


That's part of why I usually make a little animation of each new model as I make them. It helps reveal issues with the model itself, and also gives me an idea of how I can make the next one better. I'm focusing pretty heavily on modelling, but I definitely plan to throw in a little animation now and then!

Space Buck

I'm biased of course, but try a species with antlers!


Red Panda!


Maybe a cheetah?

Bloudin Ruo

I'd definitely think a hooved, equine or horned character would be fun! Horse, deer, zebra, elk, caribou, antelope, bull. Having static objects like antlers/horns would throw in something different to the mix, and the hooves would be a new thing as well that would allow you to rework the leg anatomy and expand your knowledge!


Well, it's shark week.


Well congrats Ru, we have next to no one voting for the same thing. ;)


Hey, that'll give me lots of options to choose from I guess! :P

Taki Kuroi

Skunk would be cool, and not just because of personal bias. The big fluffy tail would be a rigging/fur-modeling challenge.