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Cheese, chocolate, turds, and more!


The Trashgirl Diaries: Chocolate Cheese Turd by Jimquisition

Cheese, chocolate, turds, and more!



To add a bit of detail to the coffee discussion, African and especially Ethiopian beans have flavors reminiscent of fruits and berries, in contrast to the more... earthy flavors you get with Latin American beans. I've had cups of Ethiopian coffee that genuinely taste like orange juice. It wasn't flavored coffee, I didn't add anything to it, it just tasted like orange juice. And it was delicious. You can still tell it's coffee, the roast flavor is still there (albeit very gentle because these beans are lightly roasted), but yeah, if you're tired of the flavors you typically get from coffee, wholeheartedly recommend African beans--or lighter roasts in general. Turns out when you roast something just short of it turning to ash, you lose a lot of flavor! Looking at you, Starbucks.


Real fucking talk. I actually quite like the sweet blended drinks at Starbucks but I wouldn't dream of getting just A Cup Of Coffee from them with how much they be burning that shit.