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Hello lovely patrons!

It’s been a minute since we’ve done one of these, so I reckon it’s high time we did an Asking Sterling podcast!

Once again, while Patreon-hosted podcast will be public, the questions are open just to you fine folks! Feel free to post a comment asking a question.

Like with all of these, I’m a pretty open book and am generally happy to answer most questions, but reserve the right to skip any that might be uncomfortable (which has rarely, if ever, happened). I only ask that you keep the question moderately sized at most, as reading an essay-length Q on the podcast isn’t great radio.

If you have a question regarding my work, my thoughts on gaming/other stuff, or even personal things (within reason), please fire away!



Did you know that you are awesome? You are.


Do you still make use of the copyright deadlock/ does it still work? Also do you have a favorite board game?


My real name is Harminder Gill the name is a dick funk thing. For the issue with bobby kotick because of the problem with Devil Horns, have you considered portraying him as an animal? A few examples I can think of are a frog, toad, worm, slug, or snail. He is a slimy man with no backbone.


As a fellow enby for which you've shown that we can in fact exist in places like these (YT, other creator-platforms) -- what good experiences have come from the places that exhaust you other times? Have you seen sizable queer love from your audience?


How is Rory Fingers these days? I do miss him.


Hi Steph, wrestling and unions question. Have you had any experience or contact with unions organising in UK wrestling? Equity had a campaign and I think still do around a code of conduct and I wondered what your thoughts were on it and where you see the space for organising in ring? Like I know narratives around contracts and exploitation are big in pro wrestling in America, are there any like agitator wrestlers you’d recommend?


I feel like your video's and writing is at its peak lately. You've ever thought about writing a book? I'd love to read something longer with your weird sense of humor. I know you're busy but maybe someday.


Do you have any thoughts about potentially going on the Game Mess Mornings podcast/stream with Jeff Grubb of Giant Bomb? I've heard him talk about anti-corporate/anti-capitalist stuff before, and I've also heard him talk about your work positively (with correct name & pronouns) at least a couple of times on the podcast. Seems like a good fit.


Animals aren't inherently evil like Kotick is so I don't think it would be accurate. Also, all of those animals are important to the environment whereas Kotick is actively damaging to the social environment of gaming and generally to human society! That said, I do agree with you that he is a slimy man with no backbone. :)


I play Age of Conan but only the free version because, although I love the game I despise TenCent who own Funcom, the developer of AoC, and also Naspers who own a third of TenCent (not sure about Funcom themselves so any light shed on them would be welcome). I feel a bit guilty because it feels as if by playing the free game, I'm still approving of what they do. So my question is, is my guilty feeling valid and should I stop playing AoC or by playing without paying am I sticking it to them?! lol

Matt, First of Matts

Hi Steph. With your identity changes (congrats, btw), I'm curious what your thoughts are to do with your legacy of name-based branding, "Jimquisition", etc. Have you considered rebranding your work? "Stephpocalypse" has a nice ring to it.