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Oh hello there, it's time to have a bad time. We call this time the Bad Time Time. 

Wing Commander is not a very good movie, but we watched it anyway. A 1999 movie that looks like it was made in the 1980s, featuring a plot that makes no sense, a lack of antagonists, and the worst space navy in the universe, it's one of those films that might have been entertainingly bad if it wasn't just plain bad. 

Anyway, your Movie Boys try and make it interesting for you. 


The Spin-off Doctors: Wing Commander by Jimquisition

Oh hello there, it's time to have a bad time. We call this time the Bad Time Time. Wing Commander is not a very good movie, but we watched it anyway.




Mark Patten

It's funny that he doesn't recall anything Freddie Prince Jrs done since marry Sarah Michelle Jellar since the pod crew love Iron Bull so much. Guess who gives him that basey voice!?