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I am the videogame critic they tried to sue for $10 million.

I've kept relatively quiet for almost a year while a spurious and disgusting libel lawsuit was spuriously filed in an attempt to disrupt my life.

Now I get to talk.


When Jim Sterling Was Sued For $10 Million By Digital Homicide (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com http://sharkrobot.com/collections/jimquisition-merch I am the videogame critic they tried to sue for $10 million. I've kept relatively quiet for almost a year while a spurious and disgusting libel lawsuit was spuriously filed in an attempt to disrupt my life. Now I get to talk.



Nice to be able to hear it from you directly.


An apology senator! I demand an apology!


Thanks for all you do Jim, you definitely didn't deserve this, though I only started following you when I heard about the initial stuff with Slaughtering Grounds so I guess I can thank DH for that at least!

Sax Dragon

Thank you!! I'm glad folks are enjoying it! :-)

Sax Dragon

Thanks again for using my "Party Remix" of Born Depressed in THIS episode. The meaning the ep. has for you combined with my intent for the song makes it so special. Thank God for You!


That was truly remarkable.


This entire affair was just sad. Glad Jim can just move on at this point.


It is rather sad the the whole bureaucracy of this legal system is a weapon in itself. Jim has done very well to shrug off the negative press just from receiving a lawsuit, no matter how pathetic it may be. Much like David Cameron, he can be accused of pig f**king and still stand tall. Speaking of British politics, when Jim ever does get back to the UK, I should like to shake his hand.


I think this dead horse has been beaten enough. Sick of hearing about this shit, move on Jim.


You have the right to choose not to watch the video. Move on.

steve mcsteve

Provided that Romine finally allows this to rest here, I think you are handling this in the classiest way imaginable. They fucked up bad and kept and kept digging themselves deeper, but your response (both here and in your comments on Youtube) shows a surprising amount of perspective and sympathy. I hope one day they will have a moment of clarity and thank god for you after realizing how much worse you could have made this for them.


Don't think Jim reads the Patreon comments unfortunately (not seen him post here) but I would offer him my heartfelt congratulations. The sense of relief in this video is palpable. I think he coped extremely well with the ordeal. Jim has a lot going in his favour obviously (he has a good job and income, a partner, somewhere to live, lots of friends and fans who'd do a lot for him and of course he did nothing wrong) but it still sux to be drawn into a frivolous law suit like this to not be able to share the remarkable petty details of it while it was ongoing.

Michael Eaton

After seeing this video I had to contribute something to the Jim Sterling cause.

Oren Barzilai

What else can be said: Thank god for Jim.


I don't know if it's any comfort, but I like to think that after this fairly public debacle, there will be a few less trolls willing to turn the law into a weapon against critics. I'm sorry for the grief and stress, and glad that you prevailed, Jim.


Has to be said; thank God for Jim. Totally worth pledging for ripping content like this. Keep slapping the garbage game makers with your floppy dildo of justice, good sir!


Good to see you came through this fiasco alright Jim. After watching the video I can see it was likely never in doubt with what went on, but still. :)


I've been waiting for this video for a long time. This Jimquisition deserves an Oscar!


One thing I particularly enjoyed in this video is the model that they stole from somewhere and attempted to put its hand in the "pistol to the head" pose, but due to their own inability to you know, change assets in anyway, it looks more like he's saluting.


yaa Jim!!! everyone buy a shirt for his victory. imagine how many phone game "publishers" would cry like that if Jim reviewed phone "games"


I gotta say, the lengths you went to protect free speech made me patronize you.


I wanna see your lawyer feature in a video. You've mentioned him a couple of times over the years, he sounds like a fuckin' hoot!


This was such a delight. I'm so glad this lawsuit is over for you.


this ep. was such a pleasure to watch Jim. I'm sorry you went thru such a nightmare.


That would of been horrible for you! Glad its over