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Thank you for spending some of it with us.



Thanks for spending some of it with us. --- Buy official Jimquisition merchandise from the Jimporium at thejimporium.com Find Laura at LauraKBuzz on Twitter, Twitch, YouTube, and Patreon. All her content goes on LauraKBuzz.com, and you can catch Access-Ability on YouTube every Friday. Follow Conrad at ConradZimmerman on Twitter and check out his Patreon (patreon.com/fistshark).



Happy New Year! Thank you for all of your hard work educating and entertaining.


Thank god for You.


Love yah, James Stephanie! Proud of you and proud to be a part of this community. You look amazing and I respect you for fighting the good fight all these years. I've got your back for as long as you keep doing this. Thank God, for you! Happy New Year, to you and your family!

Benedict Holland

Thanks for reminding me of all of these awesome games. I need to do another elden ring run.