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Lara Croft is a littering, rude, privileged thug. That much we can ascertain from Angelina Jolie's licensed vehicle, Tomb Raider

Join your favorite movie boys for a rundown of this ol' movie - one of the better produced, but ultimately less fulfilling films we've gotten to look at. 


The Spin-offDoctors: Tomb Raider by Jimquisition

Lara Croft is a littering, rude, privileged thug. That much we can ascertain from Angelina Jolie's licensed vehicle, Tomb Raider. Join your favorite movie boys for a rundown of this ol' movie - one of the better produced, but ultimately less fulfilling films we've gotten to look at.



Tomb Raider was one of the few movies I walked out of - not because it was horribly bad, but simply because Angelina Jolie (at the time, at least) didn't know enough body mechanics to project force or power enough to make it look right for the camera. It was the scene right at the beginning, where she was fighting her own training spider robot, and she was using the butt of her pistol to beat a panel off, or something along those lines. (blah-blah-something-something-sexual-innuendo-something.) Essentially, I took one look at how she was swinging it - full arm, no shoulder or hip action to give it more power - and it immediately turned me off to the rest of the movie. Regardless of her acting chops (and I fully admit she's usually a pretty good actor), at the time it was just a complete no-sell for me. I just got up and walked out, at that point. Yeah, it was a small thing, but it was essentially (to me, at the time) and admission that for all her character acting ability, she wasn't going to have the physical acting capabilities to successfully pull of an action-hero style role without some SERIOUS help/SFX. And I was hoping for more than that.