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Just being honest.

Games we played this week include:

The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe (7:55)

Vampire Survivors (13:45)

Peglin (26:25)

Nintendo Switch Sports (29:40)

Revita (36:45)



News things talked about in this episode:

Dragon Age QA team seeking to form a union (43:30) https://kotaku.com/bioware-keywords-studios-qa-union-mass-effect-dragon-ag-1848847955

Square Enix selling off studios and IP to fund its crypto future (47:50) https://www.eurogamer.net/square-enix-sells-off-western-studios-and-ip-including-tomb-raider-and-deus-ex

Reggie Fils-Aimé calls himself a “big believer” in blockchain (54:55) https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2022/04/reggie-fils-aime-is-a-big-believer-in-blockchain-and-play-to-own

The global chip shortage is expected to continue on (56:30) https://www.eurogamer.net/nintendo-hit-by-worker-complaint-over-right-to-unionise


Yuji Naka claims Square Enix knowingly released Balan Wonderland in unfinished state (1:00:50) https://www.eurogamer.net/sonic-creator-yuji-naka-was-removed-as-director-of-balan-wonderworld-before-disastrous-launch


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Find Laura at LauraKBuzz on Twitter, Twitch, YouTube, and Patreon. All her content goes on LauraKBuzz.com, and you can catch Access-Ability on YouTube every Friday.

Follow Conrad at ConradZimmerman on Twitter and check out his Patreon (patreon.com/fistshark). You can also peruse his anti-capitalist propaganda at pinfultruth.com.


Podquisition 384: We'd Rather Be Playing Vampire Survivors by Jimquisition

Just being honest.



I totally had missed the Square Enix selling IPs news. Too bad Just Cause is not among them, I liked those games, guess next one will become another liveservice, now with some added cryptoscam.


Just Cause 2 and 3 were some of the most FUN I've had playing a video game. JC4 OTOH....ugh I'd still buy JC5 first day though just in case


Square Enix is the sequel to Konami


I thought 4 was perfectly fine, last I heard the franchise went to mobile after 4 didn't sell as well as Square Enix hoped, hopefully JC5 will happen. Though if it does not I will say Far Cry 6 felt very much like a Just Cause game(minus the grappling hook).


Konami is ironically actually focusing more on AAA games now from what i've heard, there was just an announcement that there's a full blown remake of Silent Hill 2 coming to PS5.