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First review to crash the site in like a year. Cloudflare is not impressing me today. 


No Man's Sky Review - Falling Skies

Goodbye, Moonmen... Developer: Hello Games Publisher: Sony Format: PC, PS4 (reviewed) Released: August 9, 2016 Copy provided by publisher No Man's Sky effectively portrays the loneliness of space by providing so little for the player to do that it's tempting to flush one's self out of an airlock just to break the tedium.


Mark Patten

But I wanna read!?


Keep trying, it will load. Sorry, this traffic swell is the largest I've had. I'm already paying out the nose for hosting.


trying to decide if people just really wanted to read your opinion on NMS or if it's the shitposters racing to be the first person to call you a 'cuck' in the comments. Guess I'll find out once it loads


Oh well......will wait till later.


We need a day one patch for this review :p (Don't hurt me. I HAD to!)


I refreshed a bunch of times over several minutes. All I get is a "403 Forbidden" error page. I guess I will try again tomorrow?

Jason Youngberg

It does look like fun. It reminds me of that scuba game you played last week.


Interesting take Jim. I'm really enjoying it but then again it's the first survival game like this I've played. Flying around space is enough for me tbh. Also I really enjoy that it's not instant jumps and that flying somewhere takes time. It makes it feel tangibly real to me, along with the just shear daunting size of it... Oh god is it daunting. I can appreciate your comments on it getting repetitive but truthfully I'm finding the little discoveries along planets interesting enough to keep me going. There are even a few encounters where you get the impression the story is continuing on different planets from data logs you read etc... Anyway, as always, thank God for Jim.... Out of curiosity if you got to make the universe how big would you make it? And how many pog planets would there be?


No Man's Site


You don't have permission to access /no-mans-sky-review/ on this server.


No permission to access it. I really want to know if this game is worth $60.


No permission to access. Did the site get bored of it too? Don't tell me that. Don't tell me thaaat!


Why AM I forbidden??

Kyle Bishop

Jim posted the cached copy on Facebook which you can read, if like me you're filled with uncomfortable itching and burning not having access: <a href="http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thejimquisition.com%2Fno-mans-sky-review%2F" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.thejimquisition.com%2Fno-mans-sky-review%2F</a>


Thank's Jim, a real informative review. I'm probably gonna hold off on this, still super-psyched by the idea of it, maybe we'll get more content driven by the injection of cash from the hype.


Oh boy, here stops the hype train i guess... (not for me, but for a lot of people)


Jim broke the interwebs. Because he has super powers.


Somebody seems to have launched a denial-of-service attack against <a href="http://www.jimquisition.com." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.thejimquisition.com.</a>


I am not surprised at all by this review. Bigger is not always better. A tightly scripted story and excellent dialogue trump "open world" gameplay every time.


Im really enjoying the game too,and I enjoyed reading this review as it is a game that's going to divide opinion,as for the twats that launched the DDOS attack? Fucking Lonely Cunts, is all I can say..