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Nintendo Brings Dat Boi And Dat Twitter Explodes

If you've been paying attention to the latest dank meme news, you may have heard of Dat Boi. It's basically an image of a frog on a unicycle, and the Internet was very proud of it. Of course, memes aren't a secret club anymore, and it took almost record time for the latest fad to be "ruined" by mainstream attention.



Dat boi.... Am I supposed to know who "dat boi" is or is this literally Nintendo trying to toss around millennial slang?


I feel like such a tool, I twitted at you and asked of your fan base "how do I patronize this man!?" while never letting one of your videos end cards pop before tuning into the next video to see the patreon link, and I know how youtube analytics take that type of thing into account. Still I am here and I am a patreon. Thank God for you Jim Fkn Sterling.