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Hey gang,

Thought I'd do another Asking Sterling here soon. If you're a new patron, basically patrons ask questions in replies to this post, and then I'll answer them in an upcoming podcast posted here. Pretty straightforward really, and maybe patronizing of me to explain. 

Anyway, ask away. I shall endeavor to answer in the quite near future!


Julia Z.

How did you start out with wrestling? I mean, it’s very different from what you have done before, right?


If you could hand off the Dead Space IP to any development studio, which one would you choose?


Hey Jim, was wondering if you plan on making your greenlight vid Lovely Warriors of Friendship public again at some point. Your BOSGT was one of my favs and I always rewatch it for a good giggle. I am aware that your reason for privating it was due to some harassment dealt on the "developer" in the past, but surely that's history by now?


How are you doing?


Would you explain what it means to you to be non-binary? I've done some research, and asked questions in communities like those of Contrapoints', HBomberguy's, and PhilosophyTube's communities, but I feel it would be far more informative to hear from someone who identifies as such. For the record I'm a cis straight white guy so I'm basically clueless.


If given the opportunity to work with AEW, would you take it?

Alicejack Airheart

Your transition is beautiful and inspiring! Are you considering dating in the future? <3 much love


What are some necessary changes for the mainline Dynasty Warriors to be good again?


I'm always amazed by your seemingly endless quest to call out and expose exploitation in the games industry and in capitalism as a whole. Just having these conversations with my friends is exhausting and takes a toll on my mental health. How do you find the strength to do it on a weekly basis? Thank God for you!


First off, congratulations on your weight loss! Hope you continue feeling good about yourself - you deserve it. :) As for my question: in your "Political Agenda of Dark Souls" video, you mentioned that Dark Souls 3 had enough meat to deserve its own video. I'm curious: if you were to make that video, what would your core points be? Thanks for everything you do, and stay awesome!


Are you going to have just the black dress/jacket as a Jimquisition costume going forward or is it going to be a semi-set wardrobe that varies at whim?

Thomas Halpin

You've been doing a lot of work to improve your life lately, and we all see that you're working hard, even if we can't see all the moments of work. If you were going to reward yourself with a dessert, would it be a cake or something else, and what flavor or style would the thing be?


What happened to the accompanying material for the Mortal Combat Annihilation Spin-off Doctors?


I first must say I loved the "The Under 900,000 Subscribers Special". I do wish you would make a version about the being Trans issue that is I hate to say a little more off brand but something that people can share out easier (know it is most like not going to happen but a girl can dream). But it is wonderful to hear how much better you are doing in your life. As for an actual question, being a Saw fan have you seen "Spiral: From the Book of Saw" and if so what are your thoughts on it? Thank God for James Stephanie Fucking Sterling, Son! (or should it be James Fucking Stephanie Sterling, Son. Or James Fucking Stephanie Fucking Sterling, Son?) But keeping being the best you!


Have you considered expanding your coverage to other industries recently?


Apologies if this is too personal, but as a fellow enby, I'm curious as to how you got on HRT. Was it something you consciously pursued? What was the process like to get that started? Other than that, I really enjoy the direction the show has gone lately, and your embrace of your identity has been a huge inspiration to me. Thank God for you!


Is there anyone prominent in the triple A industry that doesn't seem like a total douchebag?


Have you played the BloodRayne remasters recently and do you have any hopes for the series with its new publisher?


Question that seems to be in the Smash community, would you consider “wanting variety” as a good reason to include fighters from different genres for the sake of representation and variety? Is there a character that if it was added you would have to play Smash for?


Excuse me if this is too personal, but what is your typical daily schedule? I remember past podcasts where you seemed to get very little sleep and/or wake up very early. You have fingers in so many pies (oooooh matron) I struggle to see how you organise it all. Have things improved since the ADD (ADHD?) diagnosis?


What billionaire should I eat for dinner tonight?


Are there any games your looking forward to being released and playing in the future? And if you don’t mind me adding this question, what gender and name do you prefer us using for you?


There's a rumor going on in the darkest web that I feel we should get closure on. Is it true that at one point you had your interns Chip and Craig attempt to cook and eat one another in a bizarre cookoff to the death while you and Justin pelted them with blunt utensils and expired condiments still in the package? Is this the real reason why Chip had disappeared and Craig took his place?


Hey Steph, how are you doing today?

Justin Wolownik

It is becoming more and more clear lately that the current state of Triple-A game developement and monetization is devastatingly flawed and fueled by ever increasing greed and immorality. Your show has really hammered home the importance of taking a stand against this system through discussion of these issues and NOT purchasing these companies' games. However, when you consider how many companies are guilty of immoral behavior, this begs the question: Is possible to be a well-informed game critic or have a fair perspective on video games overall by completely ignoring a large percentage of mainstream games and only playing indie games?


Hey Steph, what do you think of content creators coming out to do boxing or other combat sports? Also if you had to fight Logan Paul in the ring how would you defeat him?


Also given the transgressions that came to light concerning Ubisoft, could we start referring to it as 'Abuse-isoft' as to further tie it's name to the heinous shit it pulled last year?


Congratulations on your weight loss. How are you feeling? Greetings from Iceland.


Have there been any new developments with Gilson B Pontes?


Hey JSS, what was the hardest part of coming out? Love from a transmasc enby! Also, what’s the weirdest thing a man has offered to carry for you?


What retro game is due for a modern reboot? Would love to see Primal Rage get some love.


Can you say 'I'm James Fucking Stephanie Sterling, son!'?


I recently visited my local comic book shop and saw a stack of Boglins sitting in front of the register. I salute you in reviving their fortunes, well done. Do you have any interest in the Dino Riders?


CDPR seems to be in freefall at the moment. I'm not convinced the studio will even survive. Even given the recent major problems they'd had with Cyberpunk, I'm still really looking forward to Witcher 4. Will it even come out? Will it be good? Will development be taken over by another studio? Will they ruin it with microtransactions? Has CDPR learned valuable lessons from the Cyberpunk debacle? Curious about your thoughts.


Does the new Atari VCS make any sense at all?


So i've been listening to the SODs recently and was wondering, would you/have you considered doing a similar style thing about films that aren't necessarily video game related? Hearing you talk about other films has always been just as entertaining and it would be interesting to listen to.


Hi James Stephanie Sterling, I have been watching on YouTube for years. I noticed that you are making some changes and living your true self. Curious what pronouns you are using and hoping your happy. I love the changes and the beautiful red hair the most!


From my perspective your transition is being generally well received and it's going relatively smoothly. You seem to be happier than you have been in a long time and that makes me happy. Would it be too weird to ask what your goal in this is? What I mean is that some people might abandon their first identity altogether while others may move "fluidly" back and forth between genders or identities or some might settle into some middle area of comfort. Where do you see yourself as an end goal? Are you comfortable as you are now or are there other things you want to do (eg, legal name change, etc)?


What are some of your favorite and least favorite videos that you've made over the years?


Do you watch anime? What's your favorite? :)


Been watching you from a time in my life when I was very interested in video games to the present, when I'm barely interested in video games at all. Still, I spend 20-80ish minutes a week enjoying what you put out there for us to see and hear (can't get myself to abbreviate that phrase to "your content" because I'm old.) So, I'm along for the ride. That said, do you think you'll ever pivot away from video games in your video and podcast (sigh) content? And what do you think about Dave Meltzer?


When do you think that the ethical decline for the video game industry began?


I don't know if it's one question per person but I have a question from my mother, she wants to know where you get your costumes from.


Where do you get some of your clothes? As a plus-size non-binary person, it can be really hard to find clothes that fit me.


What exercises do you do? I personally took up rowing machine two months ago in small part inspired by you and have been improving my physique gradually.


As a longtime fan of narrative based games such as the Fallout and Elder Scrolls series and Knights of the Old Republic, I just can’t seem to find those kinds of games (with any quality) wading through the massive sludge of Steam games and AAA garbage (got CP2077, meh). A good story! For the love of all things a compelling storyline! Thank God for you; any suggestions? PS: I already bought Outer Worlds and LOVE it!

Beeray Echo

What's your best Mysterio figure?


With regards to one of your unofficial titles, “Jim Fucking Sterling Son”, how do we use this properly now that you’ve transitioned? James Stephanie Fucking Sterling Son? Or is it still the Jim version? As well, do you ever see yourself returning to doing Squirty Plays? Those remain to this day my favourite content on YouTube, thanks again for all the work you put in slogging through them!

Shapie Starberrie

Tell us Steph? When it comes to the untold stories. That are still in the Triple AAAAAAAAAAAA industry, are you still making plans to publish more stories like that. Along with adding your two cents with the main story discussions as well. Also are you going to rename jimpressions to something more in line with stephpressions?

Tim Albers

What repeatedly asked question annoys you the most? What question did you make you laugh tears?


Non-gaming question, do you have any opinion on what's been happening in Israel and their attack on Gaza and the indigenous Arab population? Personally, I've unfriended people for denying what's happening to the Palestinians as a war crime and some of them have gotten as bad, as the right-wingers with regards to January 6th (aka, three kings day). Would love your input, and thank God for you. Best Regards, Gus R Gonzalez

Karma Kuro

Hey STERDUST! New patron here and I'm gonna ask you a question that you've probably gotten a million times. What advise do you give to new YouTube game reviewers or related video game content creators? Also, as someone who is also non-binary, do you recommend talking about that on YouTube or is it better for our mental health to only bother when the topic comes up?


Who is meetroff the bongo boy? Why does he live on a boat with his seven sisters?


Hi Steph! I recently picked up Drakengard 3 (and love it despite the severe jankiness) and couldn't help but smile when your old Destructoid review of it was one of the first things I ran across. Since you're such a big fan of Automata, have you revisited/enjoyed any of the Drakengard games or the Nier Replicant remake? PS (no need to read this I just wanted to throw it in, thanks so much for being my gateway to the world of wrestling and continuing to kill it in the ring. Hope you're well)

Jesse Dusk

Do you prefer to be called “Steph” or “Jim” for short? You’ve mentioned other people’s alternative or combined name suggestions as something that doesn’t interest you, so I’m guessing “Bittersweet Jimphanie” is out.


Having just weeks ago passed the 10 year anniversary of Podtoid 149 where you took over as host, how do you feel about those old shows in retrospect & was there any thought given at all to trying to get Max & Tara back for a reunion special?

mykalwane spirt of gender shrug they greater than she, she greater than he.

What do you think of TTRPGs invovling wrestling such as https://ndpdesign.com/wwwrpg or https://kumada1.itch.io/the-flexorcists or https://davidson925.itch.io/cutapromo for example? Though do love how you often do short video with a lot of small stuff then go full in with a full episode about a single subject. You always do great videos weither it be Boggling or Mighty Max or the Egg thingy or anything. You do a great job of being a great bean. Also if Justin is reading this you do a great job with the edits and other great things they do.


Considering how vocal you've been about how E3 is just the pinnacle of the utter circlejerk that is the gaming sphere on behalf of both publishers & The Gamers(TM), does this mean you won't be covering E3?


What's the best meal you've ever eaten, and where did you have it? I love hearing people talk about food as much as I love talking about it, cooking it and eating it. Also, have you seen 'Somebody Feed Phil'? If not I highly recommend it. The man has the happiest eating face I've ever seen, it's the most wholesome food show I've ever seen.


Where is Rory Fingers?


This question functions as a free space for you to talk about whatever you wanted to mention, but did not get a chance to bring up yet.


Have you considered covering the eSports side of the industry?


Have you ever played magic the gathering/pokemon tcg/yu-gi-oh/any other collectable card game?


Hi Stephanie! Hope you're doing well! During the pandemic being isolated has really helped me alot: I'm introverted so when people stopped interacting with me that really allowed me to do what I wanted. So improved on my cooking skills, theres the theme for the question: What do you like to cook the most. Or, if you don't cook, what is your favorite dish? Been a fan since you worked for the escapist and your shows are better than ever, even if it means your subscribers on youtube have dropped. That just means you're quality over quantity. Take care!


Hey Stephanie, big love as always for your work! As someone who is unashamedly fond of toys, and I assume has a (passing) interest in games, what are your thoughts on tabletop gaming, such as D&D or Warhammer? Have you ever dabbled, will you dabble again?


Unrelated but will you be commenting on Sony and the comment section under their recent press release...? https://blog.playstation.com/2021/06/02/hermen-hulst-qa-whats-next-for-playstation-studios/


going out on a limb here. Do you have ideas for where to take the story of my sci-fi erotica? Only have the first chapter so far (its short) and figure you would have great ideas about where to take the story https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c8GgYUgoDU1D9cyrROXC5KlVzSlim1YFZpRZ__FXCOM/edit?usp=sharing


What is it like being the World's Most Number 1 Boglin Being?

Pete Spicer

If someone were interested in getting into game reviews/blogging, what advice would you give them?


How does Twitch differ from YouTube in dialogue with your viewers? What mindset do you take into Twitch streams in terms of the production compared to YouTube? I've wanted to do Twitch or YouTube for ages but can't work up the courage.


What's your opinion on Western RPGs such as the Elder Scrolls and Dragon Age versus JRPGs like Zelda and Final Fantasy?


How's your dog?


Good Morning, As a new patron I have been watching your videos through Patreon instead of YouTube. Is it still beneficial to you for me to remain subscribed to your YouTube, or does it hurt your metrics for me to be subscribed to your YouTube channel, yet not watch your videos on that platform? Thank you! *Edit* To clarify, I ask because even though I watch though Patreon my YouTube still indicates that I haven't watched the videos.


Did any advertisers actually respond when you sent them your "I Won't Be Sponsored By Your Trash Product" video? And were any of the responses actually interesting?


A question:


Sorry, May I carry Your groceries?


As Laura, Conrad et al. are now referring to you regularly as Stephanie, are you comfortable with the rest of us also dropping the 'James'?


Although you love certain Resident Evil titles, are you planning on discussing the (alleged) IP theft of monster designs and textures that have both come to light recently?


My question is: What the fuck?


As a game critique and journalist, what do you see yourself doing in the next decade? What is James Stephanie doing 10 years from now?


What's your opinion of Magic: the Gathering and similar Collectible Card Games? I feel like they and their related spin-off video games might make for an interesting alternative angle on the lootbox problem.


As a Pittsburgh native, I had no idea there was such a fleshed out world of indie wrestling based in my home town and am absolutely delighted by this knowledge. How did you end up getting connected with the Ryse wrestling group from where you originally started down in the south?


My question is where did you get your adorable corseted top hat? It looks amazing on you! <3


Given the difficulties with YouTube as a platform, do you see any alternatives on the horizon? As a long-time Patron, I wonder if you really need YouTube given your success here.

Theo Caro

Pronoun related question: Does Jim Stephanie Sterling prefer to be addressed as Mx? Or is Mr. or Ms. better? I’m sorry if you’ve already said this somewhere. I watch basically every video and the podcast, but I could have missed it.


Any plans to work with Ian Boldsworth again or would if the opportunity arrived? Really enjoyed Jim won't give Ian their VR and would love to see something along those lines. Also just to say keep up the good work! I've been loving Bostons Favourite Son and looking forward to Stephs Heaving Toy Chest! Thank god for you!


Hello! After reading the last State of Sterling I have to say, I've been enjoying your videos more and more, as you seem so much more confortable in your own skin. My question is: what are your plans for life post-pandemic? Wishing you all the best!


Steph, I started gaming 30 years ago. What do you think gaming is going to look like in 30 years’ time? I know only one thing about Boglins 
 did you know that in The Fifth Element movie, the props for the small aliens they scrape off the bottom of the spaceship are Boglins? Keep up the good work! Dave

Jean-Francois Perreault

Why do you think gaming has such a hard on for competitive multiplayer and next to no regard for co-operative gaming ? Do you think it is a cultural element that wants to politicize every aspect of art and inject it's social darwinism into everything and blind us to the obvious fact that co-operation is always better than competition in every realm of life ? And yes, this is a statement disguised as a question, deal with it Stephanie ?


I know you mentioned you have reason you can't come to the U.K for a Jimquisition live, but I wondering is there a rule that say you have to hold a panel live. Is it not possible to live stream from America with Conrad and Laura would at the con live. Also for fun you can have Jonathan of road rules as well. Just One last question have you thought of uploading you're twitch V.O.D to your youtube channel for archival purposes.


Apologies if this is something you've answered before elsewhere, but I'm just curious about what the first video game you played was? It's a question I just like asking people. Thanks!


Have you considered putting your videos up anywhere aside from YouTube? I hear nothing but bad things about it as a platform from people who upload there. I know some folks are putting theirs up on Nebula as well as YouTube, but not sure how viable this is/would splitting your viewership between platforms be bad/do you need the YouTube platform for any specific reason? I'd be happy to leave YouTube, but a lot of my favourite creators still post there. Congrats on making yourself happy by the way! Always happy to see that sort of thing. Hope you are doing well. :)


Steph, Can you please reprise Fly House in BFS? Colonel Beef Parrot was close, but Road Rules + Fly House has so much potential. Thanks!


Hi Steph! With your new diet is Conrad bestowing you with his master-class cooking skills? If so, will you finally face Gordon Ramsey in a cook-off challenge for control of Dog Island? I propose a panel of judges for the cook-off which includes Jonathan Holmes, Jacob the Screaming Horse and Craig. Thank you for over a decade of entertainment, I hope for another decade of smiles and laughter!


Late to the party, but very important question: do you remember watching Marvel Action Hour, the one with Hulk, Iron Man and Fantastic Four? If so, is it also the case for you that the Iron Man/Mandarin themes pop into your head every so often? And do you scream "LASER TIME, BOYZ" every time you don 3D shades at the cinema? Finally: Crunchies, or Double Deckers?


What the actual fuck?