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Hello, it's been a while since we've done one of these. It's been a while since a lot of stuff, for which I apologize. Lately things have been tumultuous but I'm doing my best to put out all the fires and be back doing stuff soon.

Anyway, this is straightforward if you've not been here for one. You are the patrons and can ask me questions, which will then be in a podcast for everyone to hear because we don't paywall here (and it still AMAZES me so many fund the show just to do so. Thank you). In some way, I always hope having the questions come only from patrons is some way of giving you a bit more.

And of course, you are allowed to touch any part of my many hats if you ever see me. Even if I don't have a hat with me, you can make me go and get one. 

Soooooo, ask away! I'll endeavor to answer everything.

Thanks and loves,
James Stephanie Sterling. 



How does it feel to look so pretty and fabolous?

Joseph La Russa

Heya Jim! I'm curious, what made you pick "Stephanie" as the middle name? Does it hold a special place for you or represent someone you care about? Or is it just a name you liked? Thanks, keep holding the games industry accountable!


Hey Jim, was just wondering that since you've come out as nonbi, is it still acceptable to refer to you as "Uncle Jim-Jim" as you called yourself a few times in older vids? I always saw uncle as more of a sex-based term rather than a gender-based term, but just making sure.


Love the work as always Jim seeing as you can’t show your boobs on YouTube when will you be launching your only fans? you milf!


I’m aware of your fondness for Repo! The Genetic Opera, what were your thoughts on The Devils Carnival films?

Ben L.

In your video about the Digital Homicide lawsuit, you said at one point that you had suggested getting the Digital Homicide brand name as recompense. What would you have done with it if you had gotten it?


Hey Jim, I’ve noticed you seem much happier in recent videos and it’s really nice to see after such a shit year. My question is, will Duke Amiel H’ardcore be introducing us to the Duchess?


Have you tried a purple wig and can we see? + The pink glasses I just feel you'd look spectacular??


Hello! So glad I became a Patron, and so glad you are starting to live your best life. I'm not sure I have a question...ooh, ooh, how about...can I call you J. Steph? If not, that's cool. Just trying to come up with a question. Love your content, keep being an amazing trashgirl. And keep updating Insta with your fantastic wardrobe and accessories. Love it all!


Hey James Stephanie! I recently rewatched your Jimpressions about Remnant: From The Ashes since it's on PS+, and it got me thinking that I've been missing your midweek YouTube content recently. Do you see yourself returning to series like Jimpressions or Industry Bullshit in the future? Is streaming a replacement for those types of content or do you see them coexisting? Thanks, and congratulations on your transition! 😊


I’ve got a really fun question! What’s your favorite part about being non-binary? Have you been having some really lovely gender affirming glances in the mirror? 💕 Also PS... I think you’re content has been ON FIRE lately. Beat the show has been ever imo! Don’t let the haters or analytics get you down!


Not paywalling is one of the major reasons I support you ( and other creators ), besides liking the content.


What is your thoughts regarding Abigail Thorn (Philosophy Tube) coming out as a transwoman and your own coming out. Considering I would not know about them without the episode where they dressed up as you to talk about video games.

Colin Cooke

Should it be "Jim Stephanie Fucking Sterling, son!" or "Jim Fucking Stephanie Sterling, son!"?


Hey hey, so I was wondering if you would ever return to long form let's plays? just having talk and play on the second monitor while I'm doing something else is a great way to get through the day. Keep up the good work!


Hi! WTF is a bogling? is it a real? Love you mate. Thanks bye.


Hei Jim, I wondered if you ever got exhausted with the same old topics (especially in Video-Games)? - and if, how long ago it was, and how much drive you still have to make a voice (which, in my opinion, you are a grave remainder) for the hope of change... Keep up the good work - and chance favours the ever changing ;-) <3


Hallo JSS! You may have seen Chris Bratt's recent vid from People Make Games about overseas subcontractors and the pure shit conditions people are facing (on-passing the crunch...) I was hoping you might dive into that sometime soon. It feels like a deep and dark problem, and it goes beyond AAA pubs. Lots of small studios make or break based on sub contractor halp. Feels like it needs some Sterling sunlight! much luv and stay strong!

Theo Caro

What's with the new tricorne hat? When and where did you get it? Did someone make it for you? Do you walk around your house pretending to be a pirate while wearing it? Tell us all about the tricorne hat. The people want to know.


Hey James Stephanie, any predictions for the next big theme of industry bullshit? By the end of 2022, do you think live services/season passes/gambling will still be the big thing just in an even more evolved state, or something new and obnoxious out of left field? Any hope for retribution for the abuse happening to workers in the industry?


Any plans to upload your videos from Twitch onto Youtube?


Any thoughts on Psycho Goreman? Looks kinda fun, right?


Dear JSS. Gratz on the coming out, glad you're happy. My questions are: how how you deal with all these increasingly dark subjects in the game industry and world at large as you need to talk about them? Do you miss anything about the UK? Where do you stand on being called things like "dude, bro, hero" and other gender-weighted things like that? Thanks again, keep doing what you do.

Lorne Kates was going to change this name for April 1st but clicked SAVE too soon.

Got a question, but first just thank you for being you! Do you have a have/need list of Boglins online anywhere? A couple times I've seen a Boglin posted on local buy & sell groups/forums.. If I know it's one you need for your collection, I'd gladly get it and send it on to your PO Box or whatever. Especially since they're usually "I've got this thing form the 80s, gimme $5 for it I guess" cheap.


Not so much a question as an idea, but like for an anniversary of the name reveal you could do "JS-squared: The James Stephanie Jimsquisition Spectacular!" to celebrate it.


Also, digging the new glasses, they work great with the new hair.

Beeray Echo

How's Leo VK doing? Was listening to an old podcast where you played one of his songs and realized you haven't mentioned him in a while. Love your stories about each other, especial the university ones.


I just simply want to know what your favorite electric light orchestra song is (so I may listen to it to check it out). I’m sure you have mentioned it somewhere in a podcast or video but it escapes me now.

Joelle Seguin

The only thing I can think to ask, is how do you deal with the constant, unending, every increasing, FRUSTRATION! Every day, every month, every year, in every aspect of life and humanity, it's just more of the same damn thing... I pick up an opinion piece, read the complaints, their list of recommendations of how to fix things, then reflect on how I'm sure I read the article last week... look at the date, and realize it's by some rich prick 200 years ago complaining about the printing press and how the unwashed masses will mismanage their meager earnings into oblivion... I've read and watched you for almost a decade... you've been rock hard consistent... and so has the insanity you've covered... Well, I guess you'll never be wanting for a career.

Faith and Valor have a good month creators. Love all that you do.

When asked in the past you said you didn't want to speak towards the problems with the economy and capitalism outside of the video game industry. However I've noticed a more broad stroke in your editorial coverage of topics in recent Jimquisitions. Is this intentional or do you feel the subject matter organically leads you there? In either case I appreciate hearing what you have to say.


Hi, Are you ok? I have missed you from PodQuisition 🙇🏻‍♂️


Do you still keep in touch with Yahtzee Croshaw at all, or did that end when you left the Escapist? By the way, I love your new look. The hats and glasses and wigs look amazing on you!


We all make questionable decisions in life and one of mine is putting on Jimpressions and Squirty Plays on in the background as I work on art projects. Any chance we will see some more of those posted in the future? Also, loving the twitch streams!


Do you plan on expanding your cute hat collection?

Stephen Ford

Do you have a favorite kind of ice?


I just think you're lovely and hope you're healthy and happy


hello! I want to know about your lipstick collection. how many do you have? what's your favorite color? you look amazing!


Hey Jim! Pick 3 games, any console from the pre PS3/X360 era that you would want to see either remade or remastered. Thanks!


Have you had to deal with an increased volume of thirsting (online or IRL) since coming out? Also, aside from the congratulations from fans and use of a new slur by haters, have you noticed a change in how you and your work is engaged with since you made the announcement? Thanks as always


Considering your dislike for capitalism, have you ever considered moving to a European country with a social market economy? Best regards from Germany, we have candy. ;)

Erlend Aakre

Should I eat an entire pack of chocolate Hobnobs on my birthday, or should I go with the chocolate digestives?


2 small questions, 1: have you tried wearing a crop top at all yet? I absolutely love my giant ass tum sticking out and my tits just barely contained and fully visible XD 2, do you think you'll try growing your hair out or keeping it short and wearing wigs? Basically, Jim Stephanie Sterling pixie cut when???


I'm pretty sure they stream on twitch but I don't know how regular it is.

Gregory M

Did you ever get a good bean burger? You mentioned wanting one in the podcast.


As you are the one true Oracle of the game industry, I have to ask: With EA intervening in the development of Dragon Age 4 and ending Anthem for good is this the beginning of the Triple A Game Industry pivoting away from endless 'Live Service' Games? Especially with "guranteed hits" like a Marvel 'Live Service' Game failing to such a laughable degree.


Hey James Stephanie! I live in Hampshire, England. Do you miss England much? Do you ever plan to return to visit? X


What made you pick red hair? Keep up the good work! Been watching your content for over a decade when I was a silly teenager who thought being gay was wrong somehow.


I don't have a question but I just want to say thank you for all that you do and tell you your odd way of phrasing things (eg asking Sterling question times!) will live forever inside my head, haha.


First, I hope your nipples are better. Proper Question: Who would you rather have tattooed on the inside of your thighs Boris Johnson or Jacob Rees Mogg? Excellent and thought provoking work lately as always, it helps me be more critical of the corporate culture I'm part of (even though it isn't video games).


What you are doing is fantastic, who you are is fantastic. I don’t think anyone can disagree with any of your thoughts and reactions to the triple AAAAAA video game industry. Q - What was the culture shock like moving from the UK to America? Would you ever consider moving back?


How's YouTube going? I really miss your extra content on there. The silly characters, your patented game reactions. I know YouTube is a bit shit, but I don't like watching streams so getting more James Stephanie there doesn't work well for me. Plus, timezone issues.


Do you think there is ever going to be a POG and Boglin crossover? Poglins?


Hi Jim Stephanie, I've been trying to understand trans people better, as a confused "normal" guy who just want to do his best 😅... I listen to Laura, Contrapoints, and Philosophy Tube content on the subject. Now you have come out and said that you are okey with being called either Jim and/or Stephanie and I get unsure, dead naming is such a big deal but you are okey with both? ... Sorry if the answer seem obviouse, as said i just dont want to step on any toes. Love you and your work 😘


Hey Jim, what is your favourite Jimquisition you have ever made?


How's Pennsylvania treating you?


You call them steamed hams despite the fact they are obviously grilled?


I know it's 2 months off, but will you do a Jimpressions for Res Evil 8? RE7 was the first RE game I played rather than watch LPs for (I was a Silent Hill guy) and the quality of RE games jumping upwards after they screwed up 6 gives me hope.

Thomas Halpin

Will you resume sale of merch soon? My favorite shirt (The winged J logo shirt) is starting to fall apart and I can't buy a replacement until you do.


Q. Wait, why weren't you in the Podquisition?


Do you think you'll get an opportunity to take a vacation?


Would you be comfortable talking about the reason why you left Mississippi and your family there?


What are your thoughts regarding the LucasGames revival and are there any projects/concepts you'd like to see come from them, for example a new bounty hunter style game telling stories of Dingo Manburger? Also patenting game mechanics is bad, i fully agree of course, but surely you could say license exclusivity is just as bad like with the EA Star Wars deal, yet we never really see any backlash when they're announced, why do you think that is?


No question bud. Just wanted to put in that, even though I'm just some jag on the internet, I'm proud of you. You are living as your true self and I'm happy for you. Been following you since the Escapist days and watching you grow as a content creator has been awesome. You are a solid, intelligent person and I deeply respect your commitment to worker's rights. I'll keep supporting as long as you keep creating, dear. Thank GOD, for you!


If you could live in the world/universe of a game or game series, which would it be and why? Thank god for you!


Idk if you answered this at some point or another but I would like to know if you ever plan on opening up the jimporium (sorry if I spelled wrong) I really want some Sterling merrrrrrccchhh lol thank god for you Jim


How are you doing? No, really? We worry about you (hug)


Hey, Jim. I was just wondering if you were ever going to go back and re-address your "False Advertising vs. Narrative Subversion" video. In that video, you blamed the changes in FF7 Remake entirely on Tetsuya "Baffling" Nomura, but it came out that it was another member of the team who wanted even more drastic changes, but it was Nomura who reigned them in to keep the Remake more on-path with the original than they wanted.


What game can you recommend to almost anyone? Love the work as always friend 💜


And I would like a pin set or the Cornflakes Homunculus T-shirt.


What are your thoughts on the "video game crash" people tend to claim is always in the near future?


How do you think the 10 dollar price hike for video games is gonna go? Think the average consumer will take it for long?


Hi Jim, got a weird one here. I really, really distinctly a remember a video where you talked about how much you enjoyed Hitman 2016. I’m nearly positive it was in a top games of the year video, but I can’t find it. I remember various shots and things you praised like it’s improvement over Absolution. I can’t find this video anywhere and it’s been driving me crazy for like six months now. Is there a video where you talk extensively about how much you enjoyed Hitman 2016, or is the Mandela effect real and I’m from an alternate universe?


Hey Jim Stephanie Fucking Sterling Son, what equipment would you recommend for an aspiring content creator (Editing software, Microphone, etc)? Also any words of wisdom such as things to avoid? Love your content and I hope you have an fantastic day.


Given that the Jimquisition is an internationally beloved program and you no doubt would have millions of people clamoring for a position on it if one were to become available, why do you keep an incompetent asshole like Craig around? Is it pity? Some sort of sick joke? Do you owe someone a favor? More seriously, is there a story behind the Craig bit, or do you just like having someone to pretend to yell at off camera?


Two part question: Are you comfortable taking questions about gender identity? If not, no need to proceed to the next part, which is the actual question, but I'm worried about not respecting boundaries, so I put this little preliminary. The next question is: I am a cis straight man but I always thought the very idea of masculinity and femininity as very odd, because there's basically no trait that I value in women that I don't value in men and vice versa. So, I never really understood the point of gender in the first place, it's just these societal expectations that are placed on people unwillingly. Some of those expectations I don't mind, some I do, but they all never had a real reason to exist. But if I say there would be no internal difference with me if I were suddenly to have a womans body (I'd still like the same things, act the same way, etc) and only society would treat me differently based on that, does this mean I am internally agender? Ever since I learned about non-binary genders (specifically agender), I thought "yeah, that makes the most sense and I wish everyone would throw off these ridiculous expectations", but am I still identifying as a man in that case? I realize this question kind of got away from me and I didn't mean to get personal, but I can't really explain it another way. If by all accounts I seem like I am a man to myself, but if I think everything about 'being a man' is bullshit and just societal sexist garbage and hold no value to manhood, is that being a man at all, or just agender without fully admitting it?


idk if you've had this question before (sorry if you have), but what ever happened with that fan-made Movie Boys song? I got the impression it was gonna be a new theme for the show, but I'm probably misremembering.


Until now I've mostly tried to guess the answer to these, but I want to check to be sure: what pronouns & name do you prefer these days? Is there specific gendered language that you do or don't prefer? (It's of course okay if you don't know yet)

Hansbert Emmer

I'm always curious about that entertaining mess, do you have a source I can take a peek at?

Shapie Starberrie

Is The Squirty play series still being a series, only as A once A while thing on the main channel? or is it going to be move over to the second channel?


Hi JS, what do you consider to be the most "perfect" game? That is, not necessarily your favourite game or the best game, we all know that's the Slaughtering Grounds, but the game you consider best achieves its aims in gameplay, messaging etc.


Hello lovely! I just wanted to be one of the many people showing you love. Your work has been getting me through so much shit even beside the pandemic! I have mainlined all your podcasts since lockdown started and finally caught up in December just as I finally started HRT. I also wanted to add, you have made getting back into games possible for me! I guess a question would be: what would it take to get you to go back to death stranding? I have so many thoughts and so much love for that game and I would love a long form dissection from yourself and maybe Conrad? As you both have well balanced but differing views on games. Lots of love! Xxx


As a fellow enbie, when was the last time you lost The Game?


What do you think is the best method to develop consumer friendly games? Triple A comes with greedy shareholder expectations and over monetised garbage. Kickstarter can help support more teams that genuinly care about the game they are making, yet even that can lead to double dipping. Perhaps gamers actually being willing to boycot games over aggresive microtransactions would push them towards being more consumer friendly (not holding my breath on that one.)


Do you sign autographs? You mentioned something a few weeks ago that I hadn't thought about in decades (and I happen to have a copy of it) and I thought it'd would be cool if you signed it.


Hi! You said it quite often, that you WANT the gameindustry to do well and be fun, but the industry being the wankstain that it is, how do you find find the courage and motivation to do your job and almost never being able to break good news about it? You still manage to be passionate about it so how do you keep at it despite the industry having next to no good news? Would you please keep doing this amazing content so we will stay informed in this entertaining way? What was your biggest/worst predatory cashgrab that you fell for? (mine was thinking that premium currency yould make the game fun) Did you know that Ubisfot is Harbouring Sexual Predators for years? And at last: would you be so kind and extend my greetings to Laura and Conrad? You three make a great podcast! And shout out to cast and crew! Thank you for the all the shows James Stephanie and all the best wishes to you, you absolute legend!


Where's the Cornflake-humunculus merch, and when can we expect the big bag of Wheaty fun in Dead by Daylight?


Why don't Americans pronounce Craig with the Cray sound but Cregg?


Besides disliking the ads for it, have you actually watched The Boys? I feel like it would appeal to you as it touches on many of the topics you often bring up.


Can we still call you Jim Fucking Sterling Son?


How would you design a game mechanic for fun rather than engagement or competitive efficiency etc.? Can you think of examples of where a mechanic is fun to just do by itself once divorced from progression or story reward? How does it achieve that?


If The Jimquisition was started as a completly fresh series right now, would you still end it with some sort of catchphrase? If so would still be "Thank God for me" or would it be something else?


Why do so many gamers act like drug addicts with withdrawal symptoms?


Greetings from a clueless straight white cis dude. Would the correct address for you now be "Mx Sterling?" Just making sure.


If I'm permitted more than one query, a more gamer-oriented question. How do you handle horrible people making great games? I am in particular looking at a game like Cultist Simulator--the game is excellent, primarily because of its writing, and I learned after playing and recommending it to people that the writer is a probable asshole. I've made my peace with not recommending the game anymore, but I would like to hear your thoughts.


Have you thought about uploading your Twitch video's to youtube so it can archived. Also just to give you a head's up Pajama Sam is on GOG and Iron snout is on the Switch. Also this bit is new you where featured on Heavy.com here is the link https://heavy.com/games/jim-sterling-gilson-b-pontes-copyright/ also they have 5 facts to know about you one of which is your Jimquisition about the abuse at square and rockstar.


Will you ever revive Steam Greenlight in a new form for youtube content? Such as "Sterling Recommends"? I know you do short reviews, some lambasting and some praising, but nothing I see that's flat out "You should play this." at a glance.


Do you have an open P.O. Box? I've been wanting to make and send you a gift, but want to be sure it can make it to you before I start on it.


Hi James Stephanie! Is there any chance we may get to see Bartleby the Bulldog again? I miss that sweet boy! Much Love 💜


Do you cook? What have been your favourite meals to make/have recently?

StarWave Tales

Of all the things I could think to ask the great Jim Sterling . . . Do you ever go back and watch/listen to TB's videos, commentaries, etc, just to hear his voice again? He was . . . so great.


Evening from Miami 🙌 with the Mass Effect Trilogy coming back what video game franchises that have been MIA for a long time do you feel are ripe for a comeback? Hope all is well in your life 🙏


Who are your favorite wrestlers?


Hi James Stephanie, couple of questions:


1. Have you considered putting your videos on Twitch and having a weekly “watch party” - might be a way to break dependence on YouTube.


Potentially straight forward question. Custard Creams or Bourbons?


Greetings from the Windy City, I wanted to ask if you could checkout and/or give a shoutout to BarakalypseNow?! He's a YouTuber with a great video series entitled "This is Neoliberalism" which examines how we as a society got here, and how to stop it. Love your work, and stay strong JS! Gus from Chicago


Just want to say great content keep it up


This question functions as a free square for you to talk about anything you wanted to bring up but haven't had the opportunity to do so yet!


What your favorite character you have created for your show? My favorite is Duke Amiel du Hardcore I laugh so much during those segments!!


What's with the YTP-esque advertisement intermissions lately? I'm enjoying them, just want some insight.


What inspired the shift in color from red to purple/pink a while back? I think it really fits the vibe well


You've let us know that you wish to be known as "James Stephanie Sterling".. .and use They/them pronouns in reference to you, but you've not answered the most important question... Do you still wish to be known as "James Fucking Sterling, son"??? is it James Fucking Sterling, child? James Fucking Stephanie Fucking Sterling, Child?? James Stephanie Fucking Sterling, children?? James fucking Sterling, daughter? Stephanie Fucking Sterling, son??


Thinking on all the failed "roadmap" games have had - how would you recognize an actual good faith effort from a company to fix their failed product? There have been a few that really did it but I'm very interested in what (if anything) in their approach let them actually succeed? How do you keep customer faith and interest long enough to fix a broken/soulless game?


Would you like to play Lance McDonald's Bloodborne 60FPS patch? It's so good, but I've nearly finished the game :( I'd be more than happy to gift you my jailbroken console with the modded game once I've finished it if you're interested. Granted, it's not as flashy as the Demon Souls remake... but Bloodborne's bosses in 60fps are a sight to behold.

Harry Moore

Have you played loop hero? If not you should check it out. Have you played Ghost of a Tale since release, and if so what did you think of it?


Such a weird game. I don't even understand why its so good


Or do we need to get the romane brothers to give you a new iconic name once more?


It's been a while, how have you been? James Stephanie Sterling. Back to a question: What happened to your attempts to include more indie games in your jimqusition? It felt not long ago when you wanted to shine more light on indies before you just stopped. Was it from so called fans sending u hate mail or did you just felt like there wasnt much of an impact from you ? Some of those indies might not have been my thing but just in case, thanks James for introducing those indies to more of your audiences.


Hey Jim, you’ve literally been my favourite YouTuber for years (you took the top slot after the passing of TB, rest his soul). To this day, my YouTube comfort food is throwing on one of your old Steam horror Squirty Plays and relaxing. I have two questions if you don’t mind! Why are you always wearing a wig lately? *** Edit - Realized you went trans, sorry that should have been obvious in hindsight, please disregard *** And why did you stop doing Squirty Plays? Or at least covering Indie titles? Also do you think we could get a long play of one of the silent hill games from you at some point? Ok that was three questions but you ask to thank God for you all the time and we do so I’m hoping you’ll indulge me. Thanks a ton for doing you all these years, seriously. I’ve gotten so much enjoyment and many laughs from your content.


Hey Jim! First off, congrats on your transition! You look amazing and I'm so happy for you! ♡ Now as for my question, you used to call yourself the #1 Kiss Boy. Do you still claim this title? Because if not my boyfriend has been wanting to claim that title for himself! 😆

Mike Craft

Congratulations on transitioning, your new looks are fantastic and I'm excited to see the combination of character designs and gender expression that this will bring to the videos! Have you ever reflected on the choice to portray Bobby Kotick with horns? Obviously this wasn't your intended meaning, but horns are a pretty classic antisemitic trope and it's kind of an awkward choice for a Jewish CEO. I'm not trying to call you out, I'm honestly curious how you approach this kind of thing as a creator.

Jesse Dusk

Hi Jim, is it okay to call you JimSteph, or is that not as good as Jim or Stephanie, etc? Either way, glad you’re feeling better about your chungus self. Anyway, I remembered my main question during the other answers; Would you consider doing a non-video-game Spin-Off Doctors episode on The Crow: Wicked Prayer? I know you have a soft spot for that one.