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Hello, you friendly little bottom burps! In keeping with my desire to provide more updates, here I am providing more updates. Can I stop this one from becoming a bloody novella this time? Maybe? 
Anyway, The Jimquisition tried a slightly different thing this week, tackling four different subjects instead of going all-in on one topic for twenty minutes. I was incredibly happy with how it turned out, and thrilled that it went over so well once it was published. With the show being literally ten years old, it's sure as shit a good time to give the whole thing a bit of a shake. Overdue, some would say - and have! 

I gave it a go after we published A Completely Normal One and noticed how much people liked the style of it. Frankly, I expected way more of a backlash to that video, and was very pleasantly surprised. An episode with such an "unfocused" script and far wider subject matter is something I've historically not had much success getting away with in the past. I don't know if lately it's been a combination of my audience changing, my writing improving, or both, or neither.

In any case, the fact it danced from Gengar vore to YouTube moderation to The Division to an open rant about America's political mess is what got me onto thinking I could just do lots of things in a single video, and it's such an obvious thing in hindsight. 

I think the result was a quicker, punchier, and more energetic script. With far fewer minutes to work with, the effect on the writing is one of near-instant tightening (creative restriction as an exercise is underrated), as well as a decreased tendency to over-explain or repeat a point. And with more variety per episode, a viewer might no longer feel let down if they looked forward to Monday morning and found a video tackling something they had no interest in.

As we do it more, I intend to really take advantage of how flexible the show can be. I can tackle subjects that might not ordinarily have enough meat to justify a full video, but fits perfectly in a more anthological episode. I can do a lot more throwaway, lighthearted, and/or palette cleansing material without it taking Monday away from serious shit. 

Most interestingly, there is no reason I can't hand over a section to a guest speaker. I have some ideas. (Note: not currently taking suggestions)

Admittedly, it gives the show a vague Last Week Tonight feel, but I'm pretty okay with that. It's a solid dependable format, and like with that show, I'm not bound by a structure that suggests every episode has to retain the same number and length of segments, that it has to be the exact same formula every time. It doesn't, and it won't be. 

It will be just as likely you can see both more and fewer topics come up in a video. I still intend to do entire episodes on one subject, so don't worry there. There are plenty of stories that will facilitate the need for a full-length feature. There's at least two videos about YouTube itself that I'd like to do this year, and I'll be surprised if "AAA" companies can make it through 2021 without giving me multiple full episodes of material - why would they break the habit of a lifetime? 

There ya go! While I have you, here's some recent things I've done outside of Jimquisition that you might be interested in:

Boston's Favorite Son is still going, and we've been doing more lately. It's a really upsetting "comedy" podcast. If you've not heard it, keep things that way.
I was recently on Cultaholic's Straight to Hell series, consigning various wrestling things to Room 101. I laid into WWE, talked about various tropes, and had a great time talking with Ross. Just remember, I have NEVER been on Cultaholic before now! Definitely not. #WreSterling

I provided commentary for Wrestler's Lab's latest show, calling the MV Young vs. Big Callux match. The full thing is on IWTV, which you can do a subscribing to if you love indie wrestling. Indie wrestling is very good! 

Still streaming! Had a very exhausting and tough week last week, so I didn't. I hope to stream today, in fact, at 2pm EST. Might do some Monster Hunter, and I've never played it in a video, never reviewed it, never done a Jimpressions, nothing. That might be a giggle! 

Also, uh, showing a little personal life progress on Instagram lately. Still not sure when such progress will be reflected on The Jimquisition, but things are moving.

On that last note, a few quick answers for the questions my transition has commonly spurred:

My pronouns are they/them. I am still nonbinary.

Officially I still go by Jim Sterling, and personally I have been trying James Stephanie Sterling. My wrestling alter ego is Commander Sterling - it is not, as a few detractors seem to believe, a name I use for anything other than indie supervillainy. Oh, and while we're here, Sterdust hasn't been a thing since 2018!

I will still be performing in professional wrestling, yes. I have a full-on match definitely on the cards when Ryse is back to normal operation, and have continued serving that company as both Executive Commander and Champion Regent.

To stan for them again, my favorite wrestler, Still Life With Apricots & Pears, has been a big inspiration to me, both in terms of transition and professional wrestling achievements. Getting to do ring announcements for both them and Molly McCoy was a tremendous joy for me last year. Wrestling up here in the Northeast is... well, it's much more my speed compared to wrestling in the Deep South.

At some point I probably should do a full ol' update on the transition stuff, but I've been a lot more comfortable doing it as a "rollout" rather than I think I would've by making a big ironclad coming out announcement. Anyway, that's it I think.

Christ... went on way too long again. 


Harry Moore

I would not abandon the old style entirely, just juggle the formats depending on need imo. I did like the break in format myself, but rigidly adhering to one or the other is only gonna limit you. As a bi man if I've learned one thing it's that you can have both! To be clear tho so much praise deserved on the new format <3

Harry Moore

Also, breaking gendered pronouns and keeping Jim anyway is legit punk. "Why should I change my name cause the world sucks?" would be a rad position imo


Still Life is absolutely incredible


Jim! You are an amazing person! The new episode certainly had more punch and power than i think we've seen in a while. I think that going with a more flexible format is a great idea, though I could be a bit apprehensive regarding guest stars. It would be interesting to see if anyone can keep with the tone and feeling of the show. I'm confident that you would be able to make it fit. All the best, and thank god for you!


I'm surprised the multi-segment shows did poorly in the past. If nothing else, it'll help you keep pace with everything the industry is fucking up. It might also let you sandwich in some positive segments between the teardowns. I know those have struggled in the past, so couching them between the things that perform well might help a bit.


Legit glee at seeing your Instagram pictures. You look radiant.

Nicholas Poer

"...a decreased tendency to over-explain or repeat a point." Sometimes though, as I know you know, pounding a point home is really effective. Pounding it. Pounding it. Just pounding it. Pounding it. p o u n d i n g i t ! Pounding it... Pounding it home.


Everything is fire lately and ur my hero, commander. 🫀🫀🫀


Jim! Good to hear you're doing well. Your content just keeps getting better, especially as of late. Quick question for you, with the recent return of Squirty Plays, is this a return to those happening more often again? Those last 2 were an absolute treat and I'd love to see "Jim plays shitty games and is sarcastic about it" make a return again!


Hoping everything works out for you. Loved the video yesterday, and don't mind a change in formats


Love the new format. Well done.

Stephen Ford

Dear Sterling! So glad to hear about your life progresses. You've always provided great perspective and it's obvious you work hard. Selfishly, I think the happier you are with yourself, chances are you'll produce even higher quality content so gogogo!


Way to go Jim. You look great and I am happy for you! I think Stephanie is a great name, but I kinda hope you keep the Jim/James. I always think it's cool when women/feminine presenting people have traditionally masculine names like "George" or "Charlie"


Looking forward to seeing what guests you bring on :)


I totally agree that it makes it more energetic and more focused, some of your more focused videos would some times meander a little bit. It's not like it was bad before, but this new style is a nice evolution of your format!


can't wait to see the next episode of the Sterling Tonight. keep up the great work!


Another lovely update ramble!


I'm glad the new format is working out, I think it'll allow for WAY more creative flexibility. And on an unrelated note, I think the name Stephanie suits you quite well.


I surprisingly liked the new format. At first I didn’t know how to feel about it but it grew on me. Also I hope Spin-off Doctors isn’t DOA. I love that show.


Now I'm not making a suggestion about who you should bring on as a guest. I'm just putting it out into the universe that I would love to see a 5 minute bit of Jonathan Holmes eating 100 golf balls inorder to prove to the kiddies that Santa isnt real.


Also Jim you looking fab in those Instagram pics


just echoing everyone else at this point but the new format is great. Keep up the good fight!


2021: The year where Jim just decides that there's simply just too much for one topic a week.


Definitely enjoy the new format. A lot more variety.


The new format is great! Glad to hear these updates

Shapie Starberrie

Actually compiling it together seems more better than talking about it individually.


I like the multiple subjects... but I don't' want to see the old format gone completely... keep it in mind when there are certain stories worth 20 minutes, for what my 2 cents are worth...

Aiden King

If you want to do an announcement on transitioning do, if you don't then dont. Personally I've always found it more meaningful to see people treat it as simply something that is, without making a big deal out of it. Not hiding it, to be clear, just 'this is a part of me' rather than shouting it from the rooftops.

Peter Paizs

"At some point I probably should do a full ol' update on the transition stuff, but I've been a lot more comfortable doing it as a "rollout" rather than I think I would've by making a big ironclad coming out announcement" Oh dear, another Roadmap, Jim? :P Jokes aside, glad to see things are coming along sort of nicely for you, the 2 new videos were amazing, I'd love to see some more experimental stuff :)


You are incredible, and I'm glad the youtube algorithm decided to spam me with your videos until I watched them all those years ago. I understand it is your decision to make about going full fem mode on your channel but I hope you do cos you look pretty darn cute and would love to watch a full video.