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If you would like the audio of the song we put together for A Song of Cyberpunk, here you go! Thank you so much to everyone who shared the video and wrote nice things about it. And of course to the lovely patrons who not only give us the time and resources to do this kind of nonsense, but have kept us doing business as usual during a scary, scary year. 

I had the idea to do a song on Friday night. I make up stupid songs all the time, usually just blurting guff out of my mouth and making it rhyme. I like to try coming up with pointless little songs in real-time to see what I can come up with, as you may note me attempt with random success on podcasts. Sometimes I play around with it more, and come up with something that works quite pleasantly, even if the content is utterly stupid. 

Because I am idle minded, I rarely ever write the shit down, and I sure as hell don't record it. I don't particularly rate my singing voice, and while I can sometimes come up with a bit of a melody while singing, I have no real musical ability.  I've been writing some of them down recently, and also playing around with improvising songs while listening to some tunes in my stock library. I was doing stuff like that on Friday, and had the sudden urge start doing something about Cyberpunk, and feverishly wrote something down and tried to fit it into the tune I was listening to, which is actually really enjoyable as a writing exercise. I didn't really appreciate until we put it together how fucking catchy the thing was.

Didn't really have a lot of time to work on it since, like all my decent ideas, I had it really bloody late in the week. I didn't trust myself to be able to put the song together in parts, so I sung the song in one go, albeit after a lot of *shit* takes. Justin did a great job with filters and stuff to make it sound as well sewn together as possible. I think for two people with little time and no audio ability, we did pretty damn well. 

I probably won't make this a regular thing on The Jimquisition, but I'm glad to know it's doable. Justin has bothered me about doing a musical episode since we first started working together, and I've always resisted. And as of right now, I still am hesitant for such a thing, because it'd have to be really, really damn good in order to work. I might have a go at writing more songs though, or at least do some silly poem shit. I think with more time, I could do some neat things. 

Anyways, a song for you! 




Absolutely lovely. Thank you!


Now THIS is punk music!

Stephen Staver

If you guys do need a bit more help on the audio front, I do a fair bit of audio editing for work.


Woo! Sing it, girlfriend!


It was an unexpected treat :)


First hearing the song I legit thought it would be an entire musical episode


And added to my workout playlist. Would love to see more musical bits in the future!


Thanks for the standalone version. Overall, I think it is a really well done professional piece. "Now that's punk!"

Theo Caro

The song is fucking brilliant. Definitely punk. Jimquisition musical sounds hard to make but if it worked, it would totally worth it.


Thank you for this! I loved the song a lot. If you ever feel like doing more songs - please do! <3


Absolutely killed it Jim, well done.

Uriel grey

Thank you!!!

Jason Guffey

This kind of fabulous nonsense is why we're here :)

Ben L.

This song WAS very catchy; it was stuck in my head for most of yesterday. And, I've already seen a couple of people post an on Facebook calling out the toxic fans for making CDPR rush the game.


Absolutely loved the tune Jim. The entire JimQ episode was great, of course. But this is an(other) absolute highlight.

Alicejack Airheart

Also the idea of a musical Jimquisition, help I'm melting <3


The part when it suddenly turns into an upbeat 90s high school rap song gets me everytime. Also after a day spent getting super frustrated about my new PC parts, which would not work the way I wanted them to, this has given me back a smile. So thanks, Jim!


Well, thank you! I love it. :)


I'm gonna need an album of this, if you wouldn't mind <3

Trevor Bond

Aw yes...... going STRAIGHT in the playlist! Don't underestimate your singing voice. You don't have a traditional 'sought after' voice but I think you'd be great tying a harmony trio or quartet together!

Shapie Starberrie

I support you in your future endeavors

Lasse T. Stendan

Great! Truth be told, I already ripped the song (and the accompanying music video) using Youtube-dl, and edited it down using an absolute POS software I (thought I) had a spare license for. This file is probably going to be miles ahead of whatever I got off of YT. Looking forward to your next song, whenever it may appear. "Epic hole" was already a part of my music library (albeit an ironic one), and this one will join it as a (fully unironic) inclusion. Great work!

Crissa Kentavr

This is the stuff I tune in for! It was nice seeing you in your stride.


OMG, Yes! Thank god for Jim Sterling!


Seriously, thank you so much everyone. It really means a lot to me that you liked it so much.


Is this on Spotify, I want it in my playlist!


Get in my music folder! :D